Schleißheim Airfield airfield of zweibrücken
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Schleißheim Airfield

Schleißheim Airfield Already in the year 1912 "Flying" was practiced at Schleissheim (EDNX).

His Royal Highness Luitpold, Prince of Bavaria, ordered that from April 1, 1912 a flying corps was to be established at Ober-Schleissheim.

April 1, 1912 is the day of foundation of the Royal Bavarian Flying Corps.The corps consisted of 4 officers, 8 non-comissioned officers and 50 rank and file.

Chronological table:

January 1, 1912 formation of a aviation corps at the Aerial Navigation and Motor Transport Troops unit of the Royal Bavarian Army.

April 1, 1912 the aviation corps was reinforced and stationed at Oberschleissheim. This was the day of foundation of the Royal Bavarian Flying Corps.

October 5 Anton Baierlein, chief pilot of the Otto-Flugzeugwerke, hauled the first official "Bavarian Airmail" from Munich's Oberwiesenfeld airfield to Schleißheim.

October 7, construction works started at the commander's office, the first compact aerodrome building.

April 1, official designation was then: Militaerfliegerstation Schleißheim
October 1, reinforcement from a company to a battalion with the subdivisions flight company and flight school.

July 31, State of War, start of Mobilization, the flight battalion got the status of an aviator recruiting unit. Three bavarian aviation units were raised and transfered to the Westfront.

August 5, transfer of "Fliegerabteilung" 304b to Palaestina.
Closure of the Schleissheimer Strasse, doubling of the aerodrome area in the East and start of raising the repair hangar.

November 11, Cease-fire

Courier services by air from Schleissheim to Weimar.
March 6, an Act resultated in formation of a provisional "Reichswehr". Cancellation of the compulsory military service and disbandment of the German Army. Formation of the Reichswehr with flying troops from volunteers at Reichswehr-Fliegerhorst Ober-Schleissheim.
Completion of the repair hangars.
Termination of the State of War in Bavaria.
Foundation of the air transport company "Bavarian Air-Lloyd" with homebase at Schleissheim.

October 1, Versailler Peace Treaty in effect.
April 9, total discontinuance of the military flight operations in Germany.
May 8, official disbandment of the bavarian and german flying troops.
Major parts of the buildings and airfield facilities were disassembled.

January 29, disbandment of the Flying Police Squadron Schleissheim and conversion to Flight Surveillance South Bavaria.
April 4 launch of air carrier services between Schleissheim and Konstanz by the "Bavarian Air Lloyd".
May 23 Aviator's commemoration day at Schleissheim.

First high mountain landing on the Zugspitze by F. Hailer from Schleissheim.

(22.10.)October 10 foundation of the first international airline transport company "Transeuropean Union" at Schleissheim.
Udet's Aircraft Manufacturing, Munich-Ramersdorf homebased Schleissheim as the factory airfield (til 1926).
Schleissheim became technical homebase for the carriers flying into/ out of Munich Oberwiesenfeld.

Januar 31, air competition "Zugspitzflight" departed from Schleissheim.
April 15,launch of the air traffic with Italy by the south german Aero-Lloyd. W. Polte und F. Hailer took off at Schleissheim for the first alpine crossing of an airline transport category airplane in a Dornier Komet III.
September 12-14, International air competition held at Schleissheim.
Take-over of the repair hangars by the bavarian flight sport GmbH and opening of a flight school.

January 6, foundation of the German Lufthansa. Schleissheim remained technical homebase until 1929
H. Guritzer and W. v. Langsdorff took off at Schleissheim for the first alpine crossing of an light category airplane.

Transformation of the flight school of the bavarian flight sport GmbH into the German Airline Transport Pilot School (DVS).

Expeditious construction of the inofficial Luftwaffe. The DVS Schleissheim increasingly got the character of fighter pilot school.

Fundamental alteration and development of the airfield until 1936, errection of the Junkers Hangars.

March, dismasking of the Luftwaffe. Schleissheim became an official airforce base with A/B and fighter pilot school.

Schleissheim became a commanding airbase.

March, transfer of the A/B school. Schleissheim then was a pure Fighter Pilot School.
August, beginning of pursuit interceptor training at Schleissheim.
September 1, beginning of the World War II.

April 1, renamimg of the fighter pilot scholl in Pursuit Interceptor school.


June, start of the night interceptor training at Schleissheim (Night Fighter School I)
December 21, first air strikes at Schleissheim.

March 10, renaming of the Night Fighter School I in Night Fighter Group/Wing 101.
March 31, beginning of the construction of the command post of the fighter control headquarters 5. (the latter 7.) fighter division.
September 13, Schleissheim became homebase of the night interceptor squadron 6.

(July, several heavy air strikes shook Schleissheim with serious damage and many civil casualties.

US-Troops occupied the airfield.

Foundation of Ikarus Airsports Club
A dozen air-minded indefatigables met in a barrack at the Hans-Mielich Place and assembled a glider airplane.
A stroke of luck blessed these people with a winch.Soon an airfield, if this expression had been suitable, was found.The area was located in the Froettmaninger Heide between Ingolstaedter Strasse and Autobahn Nuernberg and was dotted with bomb craters and tank trails. Almost 4000 hrs of working within a year by the now 20 members of the club were spent. The movements were still little. After a 14 hrs hard days work aviators were happy if logging two launches, at all.

April 25, stationing of the Bundeswehr-Army Flying Squadron I at Schleissheim.

September 10, stationing of the German Border Police Flying Squadron South.

Taking up of glider operations at Schleissheim by Ikarus.

April 1, Schleissheim became helicopter training facility of the US-Army.

September1, US-Army flying squadron left Schleissheim.

August, Schleissheim served as a copter base during the olympic games at Munich.

May 31, Handing-over of the airfield administration from US-Army the Federal Republic of Germany.

Suspension of the military flight operations at Schleissheim. The German Army Fliying Squadron was transfered to Penzing.

September 30, disbandment of the airfield command 204 of the German Army. Five flying clubs and the Federal Border Police stayed at Schleissheim.

Schleißheim Airfield1983
November, foundation of the association for preservation of the historical Flugwerft Oberschleissheim e. V..

July 30, resolution of the bavarian Council of Ministers to preserve the hangar complex.
October 2, world record flight of H. Rochelt's "Musculair 2" muscular strength driven aircraft at Schleissheim.


Approach by airplane:
The airfield of Oberschleissheim (EDNX) is a Special Airfield.
It is subject to strict PPR-regulations. Approval for the use has to be obtained prior to departure.
On approach and departure observe the published traffic pattern procedures of the AIP Germany.
Avoid approaches via the city of Munich.

Approach by car:
From direction Ingolstaedter Strasse (leaving Munich) drive straight ahead towards Oberschleissheim until crossing the Autobahn.Turn left immediately after passing the autobahn entry/exit into a street leading to:Friedhof/cemetery Hochmutting, German Federal Border Police Flying Squad South,Deutsches Museum Airplane Hangar. There is a sign with a JU 52, too.The street will take you to "IKARUS"-signs.Attention: There is only limited parking space available!!!!

Approach by S-Bahn (S1):
Ride to the station Oberschleissheim
Then follow the signs to Schleissheim Castle and to the aerodrome.
Pass the Deutsches Museum and follow the street until our Beergarden.

Sonderlandeplatz Schleißheim (LGO)
Jägerstraße 1
85764 Oberschleißheim

E-mail: ednx at gmx de


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