Al Asad Airbase |
Summary |
Airport type |
Military: Airbase |
Operator |
United States Air Force |
Location |
Al Anbar Province, Iraq |
Elevation AMSL |
618 ft / 188 m |
Coordinates |
33°47′08.19″N 42°26′28.32″E / 33.7856083°N 42.4412°E / 33.7856083; 42.4412Coordinates: 33°47′08.19″N 42°26′28.32″E / 33.7856083°N 42.4412°E / 33.7856083; 42.4412 |
Runways |
Direction |
Length |
Surface |
ft |
m |
09R/27L |
13,123 |
4,000 |
Asphalt |
09L/27R |
13,124 |
4,000 |
Asphalt |
08/26 Dirt |
10,125 |
3,086 |
Packed Dirt |
no ILS |
Al Asad Airbase (ICAO: ORAA / KQAJ) is the second largest US military airbase in Iraq and is located in the largely Sunni western Iraq Province of Al Anbar. It was formerly the home of the II Marine Expeditionary Force until January 2010. Other major tenants include the 82nd Airborne Advise & Assist Brigade, 321st Sustainment Brigade (-), VOD-1, VAQ-142, Navy Customs Battalion Juliet and elements of the Iraqi Army's 7th Division and United States Air Force. Geography
Graphic depiction of Al Asad's location |
The base, located 100 miles west of Baghdad, is divided by a wadi that runs through the area. It has a perimeter of more than 15 miles, and is the second largest air force base in Iraq. It has 23 hardened shelters and two runways of 4260 and 3955 meters each. The runways, taxiways, tarmacs, hangars, and maintenance areas are on the southern half of the base, while living quarters, motor pools, and administrative areas are in the natural valley formed by the dry river bed. A number of abandoned Iraqi aircraft are scattered throughout the base, in various states of disrepair, as well as hardened bunkers meant to house them.
The oasis located on the base is mistakenly known as "Abraham's Well", and is purported to have been a stopping during the journey of Abraham recounted in the Book of Genesis. Abraham's well, Mamre, is actually in ancient Canaan.
Al Asad was formerly an Iraqi Air Force Airbase, then known as Qadisiyah Airbase. In Arabic, Al Asad means the "The Lion". It was quickly abandoned during the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Prior to the American invasion, it housed three units of the Iraqi Air Force which flew MiG-25s and MiG-21s.
Airbase after 2003
The base was initially secured by the Australian Special Air Service Regiment and was turned over to the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment in May 2003. 3rd ACR was relieved by the Marines of the I Marine Expeditionary Force in March 2004. Al Asad has become the largest Coalition base in western Iraq and the equivalent of Baghdad's Green Zone out west.
Al Asad is a major convoy hub, hosting hundreds of fuel and supply trucks every day. Huge shipments of fuel are commonly run along the dangerous routes coming out of Jordan and, despite insurgent attempts, a majority of these convoys arrive at their destinations untouched.
Like other large bases in Iraq, Al Asad offers amenities including an indoor swimming pool, movie theater, post office, Morale, Welfare and Recreation center, several gyms, Post Exchange, Burger King, Cinnabon, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pizza Hut, Subway Restaurant, and a Green Beans Coffee Shop. The base is self-sufficient for producing drinking water, having both a reverse osmosis water purification plant and a bottling plant. Most of the housing on base are 'cans', shipping containers converted to, or manufactured as, living areas. Some of the original barracks still remain, however, and are used as well. Overflow tents are used when required, such as transition periods, which can nearly double the number of troops on the base. The base is a common destination for celebrities and politicians visiting American troops in Iraq. Some past visitors include Chuck Norris and Toby Keith. While the towns and routes near Al Asad are as dangerous as anywhere else in Iraq, it is relatively remote and is easily accessible by air.
The controversial song Hadji Girl was recorded on Al Asad in 2005. On September 3, 2007, President George W. Bush, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Peter Pace visited Al Asad and spent Labor Day with the Servicemembers deployed to the base. Also in September 2007, V-22 Ospreys from VMM-263 landed at Al Asad Airfield, the first combat missions of the aircraft.
As Marines withdraw from Iraq, Al Asad remains one of the last American occupied bases in Al Anbar. As of 2009, Marines with II Marine Expeditionary Force are removing gear and personnel from the base.
The above content comes from Wikipedia and is published under free licenses – click here to read more.
General Info
Country |
Time |
Latitude |
33.785608 33° 47' 08.19" N
Longitude |
42.441200 042° 26' 28.32" E
Elevation |
618 feet 188 meters
Type |
Magnetic Variation |
004° E (01/06)
Operating Agency |
Operating Hours |
Daylight Saving Time |
Dates notified by NOTAM
147.85 363.675
276.775 232.65
127.875 298.025 239.85
Communications Remarks |
Ctc 20 min prior to ldg.
ID |
Dimensions |
Surface |
08/26 |
10125 x 338 feet 3086 x 103 meters |
- |
09R/27L |
13123 x 148 feet 4000 x 45 meters |
056RBWT |
09L/27R |
13124 x 197 feet 4000 x 60 meters |
056RBWT |
Type |
ID |
Name |
Channel |
Freq |
Distance From Field |
Bearing From Navaid
057X |
- |
At Field |
M31 on 09R/27L in close proximity of rwy edge, C-130 or larger acft tkof and ldgafter first 2000 ft.
Acft taxi dur darkness use posn/formation lights. Copter avoid ovft of bunker 66near radio twr NE of Delta and Oscar twy int. 70 ft twr 1 NM NW of afld mrk with infrared lgt. 125 ft twr lctd 360 rad 2.5 DME fr afld mrk with infrared bcn.Twr 112 ft AGL at N33 48'10.25 E42 27'23.67 with red obst lgt. 150 ft twr E of int Delta and Oscar twy. India twy clsd N of Hotel twy.
Ltd supply of J8. All tran AMC acft must req fuel 24 hr prior thru Base OPS DSN 318-3413-347. Max amount 30 thou lb for all acft. Exp delay due to ltd dispensing equip. Fuel svc not avbl for civ acft. Acft encouraged to use hot pits. Acft utilizing hot fuel pits flw drct by ATC and hot fuel pit taxi directors. Refer afld opr manual and NAVAIR 00-80T-109 avbl on Al Asad website under afld OPS at http://www.acemnf-wiraq.usmc.smil.mil. Failure to comply will result in delay withcold fuel pro.
Emerg afld lgt sys (EALS) in use at reduced ints, nstd lgt. Rwy 27L apch end flgnstd non-sequenced lgt, M configuration with single row cntrln. Addn edge lgt first 4000 ft of rwy. Rwy 27R apch end flg non-sequenced lgt. Solar pwr, lo brilliance rwy edge lgt lct 5 ft fr rwy edge. Solar pwr, lo brilliance twy edge lgt in use. SS to SR solar pwr lgt only for NVD opr. EALS will be set to med ints at pilot's req and in IMC. Fresnel Lens opr ldg sys (FLOLS) by req only and used for trml guidance to rwy 27L. Tactical (TAC) PAPI left side 09R/27L set at 3 avblon req only. By req only white hi ints apch lgt on 09R/27L, configuration Q with flg sequenced cntln lgt.
All aircrew review unclassified NOTAM at https://www.notams.jcs.mil. RNAV GPS apch avbl 09R/27L 09L/27R for mil contract carriers only. Copter RNAV pro avbl thru www.us.army.mil, see DINS attn ntc all Rgn EUR or PAC for downloading instr. All flts inbd to A/DACG ctc 298.675 nlt 20 min prior to ldg. If unfamiliar with afld req progressive taxi.
PPR req for all civ/mil acft incl those on ATO. F/W acft not issued PPR may be turned away or met by security forces. All R/W and F/W acft with DV code 7 or hi will also req PPR. RAMCC will provide slot time for all civ acft. Agcy must obtain PPR prior to entry into IZ. RAMCC no longer issues slot times for mil acft. PPR for mil F/W acft serve as slot time. Mil slot times +/-30 min from PPR ETA/ETD cntc Base OPS at DSN 318-3413-347 to update ASAP or e-mail: (alasadppr@acemnf-wiraq.usmc.mil) or (alasadppr@acemnf-wiraq.usmc.smil.mil). PPR issued within 6 hr ntc will not be guaranteed priority handling and may be delayed. Acft are rqr to use inboard eng only on twy to ctl FOD.
Ltd twy and rwy signage. Dist remaining mrk avbl. Rwy 09L/27R clsd to all tfc due to const til 31 Dec 2006.
Carrier breaks are not auth. Overhead initial lctd 5 NM fr apch rwy in use at orabv 4000 ft descend to at or abv 2700 ft by apch end of rwy. Break S and when wings level on downwind descend to 1600 ft. All acft to remain S of Alpha twy unless directed by ATC.
The content above was published at Airports-Worldwide.com in 2010.
We don't guarantee the information is fresh and accurate. The data may be wrong or outdated.
For more up-to-date information please refer to other sources.