Wikipedia, This is a list of government agencies engaged in activities related to outer space and space exploration. The name given is the English version, with the native language version below. The acronym given is the most common acronym: this can either be the acronym of the English version (e.g. JAXA), or the acronym in the native language. Where there are multiple acronyms in common use, the English one is given first. The date of the founding of the space agency is the date of first operations where possible. If the space agency is no longer running, then the date when it was terminated (i.e. the last day of operations) is given. A link to the Agency's primary website is also given.
The capabilities of the space agencies are color-coded as follows: Manned Extraterrestrial Exploration + Operates Space Station + Manned Space Flight + Operates Extraterrestrial Probes + Launch Capability + Operates Satellites Operates Space Station + Manned Space Flight + Operates Extraterrestrial Probes + Launch Capability + Operates Satellites Manned Space Flight + Operates Extraterrestrial Probes + Launch Capability + Operates Satellites Operates Extraterrestrial Probes + Launch Capability + Operates Satellites Launch Capability + Operates Satellites Operates Satellites None Of The Above List of space agencies capable of conducting basic space activitiesList of space agencies capable of conducting intermediate space activities
List of space agencies capable of conducting advanced space activities
List of space agencies capable of conducting paramount space activities
Expected future space agencies
Highest budget space agenciesThe budgets listed are the official budgets from the different space agencies' homepages. Note that the Chinese budget of $500 million is from official figures by Luo Ge, vice administrator of the China National Space Administration. The budget is not normalized to the expenses of space research in each country/region, i.e. higher budget does not mean more activity or better performance in space exploration.
World mapsThe nations which have active space agencies. This map follows the key above.External links
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