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List of spacewalkers

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This is a list of all astronauts who have engaged in an EVA by partly or fully leaving a spacecraft. It is ordered chronologically by the date of first spacewalk.

The following 9 countries have flown spacewalkers: United States of America 117, Russia (formerly Soviet Union) 54, France 3, Germany, Japan, Canada and China 2 each, Switzerland and Sweden 1 each.

Order Country Name Spacewalks Number of walks
1 Aleksei Leonov Voskhod 2 1
2 Edward Higgins White Gemini 4 1
3 Gene Cernan Gemini 9A 1
4 Michael Collins Gemini 10 EVA 1, 2 2
5 Richard F. Gordon, Jr. Gemini 11 EVA 1, 2 2
6 Buzz Aldrin Gemini 12 EVA 1, 2, 3 3
7 Yevgeny Khrunov Soyuz 5/4 1
8 Aleksei Yeliseyev Soyuz 5/4 1
9 David Scott Apollo 9 (stand-up); Apollo 15 EVA 1 (stand-up) 2
10 Rusty Schweickart Apollo 9 1
11 James Irwin Apollo 15 EVA 2 (stand-up) 1
12 Alfred Worden Apollo 15 EVA 2 1
13 Charles Moss Duke, Jr. Apollo 16 (stand-up) 1
14 Ken Mattingly Apollo 16 1
15 Harrison Schmitt Apollo 17 (stand-up) 1
16 Ronald Evans Apollo 17 1
17 Paul J. Weitz Skylab 2 EVA 1, 3 2
18 Pete Conrad Skylab 2 EVA 2, 3 2
19 Joseph Kerwin Skylab 2 EVA 2 1
20 Owen K. Garriott Skylab 3 EVA 1, 2, 3 3
21 Jack Lousma Skylab 3 EVA 1, 2 2
22 Alan Bean Skylab 3 EVA 3 1
23 Edward Gibson Skylab 4 EVA 1, 3 2
24 William R. Pogue Skylab 4 EVA 1, 2 2
25 Gerald P. Carr Skylab 4 EVA 2, 3 2
26 Yuri Romanenko Salyut 6 EO-1 EVA 1; Mir EO-2 EVA 1, 2, 3 4
27 Georgi Grechko Salyut 6 EO-1 EVA 1 1
28 Vladimir Kovalyonok Salyut 6 EO-2 EVA 1 (stand-up) 1
29 Aleksandr Ivanchenkov Salyut 6 EO-2 EVA 1 1
30 Valery Ryumin Salyut 6 EO-3 EVA 1 1
31 Vladimir Lyakhov Salyut 6 EO-3 EVA 1; Salyut 7 EO-2 EVA 1, 2 3
32 Anatoly Berezovoy Salyut 7 EO-1 EVA 1 (stand-up) 1
33 Valentin Lebedev Salyut 7 EO-1 EVA 1 1
34 Story Musgrave STS-6 EVA 1; STS-61 EVA 1, 3, 5 4
35 Donald H. Peterson STS-6 EVA 1 1
36 Aleksandr Pavlovich Aleksandrov Salyut 7 EO-2 EVA 1, 2 2
37 Bruce McCandless II STS-41-B EVA 1, 2 2
38 Robert L. Stewart STS-41-B EVA 1, 2 2
39 George Nelson STS-41-C EVA 1, 2 2
40 James van Hoften STS-41-C EVA 1, 2; STS-51-I EVA 1, 2 4
41 Leonid Kizim Salyut 7 EO-3 EVA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; Salyut 7 EO-6 EVA 1, 2 8
42 Vladimir Solovyov Salyut 7 EO-3 EVA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; Salyut 7 EO-6 EVA 1, 2 8
43 Svetlana Savitskaya Salyut 7 EP-4 EVA 1 1
44 Vladimir Dzhanibekov Salyut 7 EP-4 EVA 1; Salyut 7 EO-4 EVA 1 2
45 David Leestma STS-41-G EVA 1 1
46 Kathryn Dwyer Sullivan STS-41-G EVA 1 1
47 Joseph P. Allen STS-51-A EVA 1, 2 2
48 Dale Gardner STS-51-A EVA 1, 2 2
49 Jeffrey A. Hoffman STS-51-D EVA 1 1
50 S. David Griggs STS-51-D EVA 1 1
51 Viktor Savinykh Salyut 7 EO-4 EVA 1 1
52 William Frederick Fisher STS-51-I EVA 1, 2 2
53 Jerry L. Ross STS-61-B EVA 1, 2; STS-37 EVA 1, 2; STS-88 EVA 1, 2, 3; STS-110 EVA 2, 4 9
54 Sherwood Spring STS-61-B EVA 1, 2 2
55 Aleksandr Laveykin Mir EO-2 EVA 1, 2, 3 3
Vladimir Titov Mir EO-3 EVA 1, 2, 3;
STS-86 EVA 1
57 Musa Manarov Mir EO-3 EVA 1, 2, 3; Mir EO-8 EVA 1, 2, 3, 4 7
Aleksandr Volkov Mir EO-4 EVA 1;
Mir EO-10 EVA 1
59 Jean-Loup Chrétien Mir EO-4 EVA 1 1
Aleksandr Viktorenko Mir EO-5 EVA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;
Mir EO-11 EVA 1
Aleksandr Serebrov Mir EO-5 EVA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;
Mir EO-14 EVA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Anatoly Solovyev Mir EO-6 EVA 1, 2;
Mir EO-12 EVA 1, 2, 3, 4; Mir EO-19 EVA 1, 2, 3; Mir EO-24 EVA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
63 Aleksandr Balandin Mir EO-6 EVA 1, 2 2
Gennadi Manakov Mir EO-7 EVA 1;
Mir EO-13 EVA 1, 2
Gennady Strekalov Mir EO-7 EVA 1;
Mir EO-18 EVA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Viktor Mikhaylovich Afanasyev Mir EO-8 EVA 1, 2, 3, 4;
Mir EO-27 EVA 1, 2, 3
67 Jerome Apt STS-37 EVA 1, 2 2
68 Anatoly Artsebarsky Mir EO-9 EVA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 6
Sergei Krikalev Mir EO-9 EVA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;
Mir EO-10 EVA 1; Expedition 11 EVA 1
70 Pierre Thuot STS-49 EVA 1, 2, 3 3
71 Richard Hieb STS-49 EVA 1, 2, 3 3
72 Thomas Akers STS-49 EVA 3, 4; STS-61 EVA 2, 4 4
73 Kathryn C. Thornton STS-49 EVA 4; STS-61 EVA 2, 4 3
74 Aleksandr Kaleri Mir EO-11 EVA 1; Mir EO-22 EVA 1, 2; Mir EO-28 EVA 1; Expedition 8 EVA 1 5
75 Sergei Avdeyev Mir EO-12 EVA 1, 2, 3, 4; Mir EO-20 EVA 1, 2; Mir EO-26 EVA 1, 2; Mir EO-27 EVA 2, 3 10
76 Gregory J. Harbaugh STS-54 EVA 1; STS-82 EVA 2, 4 3
77 Mario Runco STS-54 EVA 1 1
78 Aleksandr Poleshchuk Mir EO-13 EVA 1, 2 2
79 G. David Low STS-57 EVA 1 1
80 Peter Wisoff STS-57 EVA 1; STS-92 EVA 2, 4 3
81 Vasili Tsibliyev Mir EO-14 EVA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Mir EO-23 EVA 1 6
82 James H. Newman STS-51 EVA 1; STS-88 EVA 1, 2, 3; STS-109 EVA 2, 4 6
83 Carl E. Walz STS-51 EVA 1; Expedition 4 EVA 1, 3 3
84 Jeffrey Hoffman STS-61 EVA 1, 3, 5 3
85 Yuri Malenchenko Mir EO-16 EVA 1, 2; STS-106 EVA 1; Expedition 16 EVA 1 4
86 Talgat Musabayev Mir EO-16 EVA 1, 2; Mir EO-25 EVA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 7
87 Mark C. Lee STS-64 EVA 1; STS-82 EVA 1, 3, 5 4
88 Carl J. Meade STS-64 EVA 1 1
89 Michael Foale STS-63 EVA 1; Mir EO-24 EVA 2; STS-103 EVA 2; Expedition 8 EVA 1 4
90 Bernard Harris STS-63 EVA 1 1
91 Vladimir N. Dezhurov Mir EO-18 EVA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Expedition 3 EVA 1, 2, 3, 4 9
92 Nikolai Budarin Mir EO-19 EVA 1, 2, 3; Mir EO-25 EVA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 8
93 James S. Voss STS-69 EVA 1; STS-101 EVA 1; STS-102 EVA 1; Expedition 2 EVA 1 4
94 Michael Gernhardt STS-69 EVA 1; STS-104 EVA 1, 2, 3 4
95 Thomas Reiter Mir EO-20 EVA 1, 3; Expedition 13 EVA 2 3
96 Yuri Gidzenko Mir EO-20 EVA 2, 3 2
97 Leroy Chiao STS-72 EVA 1, 2; STS-92 EVA 1, 3; Expedition 10 EVA 1, 2 6
98 Daniel T. Barry STS-72 EVA 1; STS-96 EVA 1; STS-105 EVA 1, 2 4
99 Winston E. Scott STS-72 EVA 2; STS-87 EVA 1, 2 3
100 Yuri Onufriyenko Mir EO-21 EVA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; Expedition 4 EVA 1, 2 8
101 Yuri Usachov Mir EO-21 EVA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; Expedition 2 EVA 1 7
102 Michael R. Clifford STS-76 EVA 1 1
103 Linda M. Godwin STS-76 EVA 1; STS-108 EVA 1 2
104 Valery Korzun Mir EO-22 EVA 1, 2; Expedition 5 EVA 1, 2 4
105 Steven Smith STS-82 EVA 1, 3, 5; STS-103 EVA 1, 3; STS-110 EVA 1, 3 7
106 Joseph R. Tanner STS-82 EVA 2, 4; STS-97 EVA 1, 2, 3; STS-115 EVA 1, 3 7
107 Jerry M. Linenger Mir EO-23 EVA 1 1
108 Pavel Vinogradov Mir EO-24 EVA 1, 3, 4, 5, 6; Expedition 13 EVA 1 6
109 Scott E. Parazynski STS-86 EVA 1; STS-100 EVA 1, 2; STS-120 EVA 1, 2, 3, 4 7
110 Takao Doi STS-87 EVA 1, 2 2
111 David Wolf Mir EO-24 EVA 7; STS-112 EVA 1, 2, 3 4
112 Gennady Padalka Mir EO-26 EVA 1, 2; Expedition 9 EVA 1, 2, 3, 4; Expedition 20 EVA 1, 2 8
113 Jean-Pierre Haigneré Mir EO-27 EVA 1 1
114 Tamara E. Jernigan STS-96 EVA 1 1
115 John Grunsfeld STS-103 EVA 1, 3; STS-109 EVA 1, 3, 5; STS-125 EVA 1, 3, 5 8
116 Claude Nicollier STS-103 EVA 2 1
117 Sergei Zalyotin Mir EO-28 EVA 1 1
118 Jeffrey Williams STS-101 EVA 1; Expedition 13 EVA 1, 2 3
119 Edward Lu STS-106 EVA 1 1
120 William McArthur STS-92 EVA 1, 3; Expedition 12 EVA 1, 2 4
121 Michael Lopez-Alegria STS-92 EVA 2, 4; STS-113 EVA 1, 2, 3; Expedition 14 EVA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 10
122 Carlos I. Noriega STS-97 EVA 1, 2, 3 3
123 Thomas D. Jones STS-98 EVA 1, 2, 3 3
124 Robert Curbeam STS-98 EVA 1, 2, 3; STS-116 EVA 1, 2, 3, 4 7
125 Susan Helms STS-102 EVA 1 1
126 Andy Thomas STS-102 EVA 2 1
127 Paul W. Richards STS-102 EVA 2 1
128 Chris Hadfield STS-100 EVA 1, 2 2
129 James F. Reilly STS-104 EVA 1, 2, 3; STS-117 EVA 1, 3 5
130 Patrick G. Forrester STS-105 EVA 1, 2; STS-117 EVA 2, 4 4
131 Mikhail Tyurin Expedition 3 EVA 1, 2, 4; Expedition 14 EVA 1, 5 5
132 Frank L. Culbertson, Jr. Expedition 3 EVA 3 1
133 Daniel M. Tani STS-108 EVA 1; STS 120 EVA 2; Expedition 16 EVA 2, 3, 4, 5 6
134 Daniel W. Bursch Expedition 4 EVA 2, 3 2
135 Richard M. Linnehan STS-109 EVA 1, 3, 5; STS-123 EVA 1, 2, 3 6
136 Michael J. Massimino STS-109 EVA 2, 4; STS-125 EVA 2, 4 4
137 Rex J. Walheim STS-110 EVA 1, 3; STS-122 EVA 1, 2, 3 5
138 Lee M. E. Morin STS-110 EVA 2, 4 2
139 Franklin Chang-Diaz STS-111 EVA 1, 2, 3 3
140 Philippe Perrin STS-111 EVA 1, 2, 3 3
141 Peggy Whitson Expedition 5 EVA 1; Expedition 16 EVA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6
142 Sergei Treshchov Expedition 5 EVA 2 1
143 Piers Sellers STS-112 EVA 1, 2, 3; STS-121 EVA 1, 2, 3 6
144 John Herrington STS-113 EVA 1, 2, 3 3
145 Ken Bowersox Expedition 6 EVA 1, 2 2
146 Donald Pettit Expedition 6 EVA 1, 2 2
147 Michael Fincke Expedition 9 EVA 1, 2, 3, 4; Expedition 18 EVA 1, 2 6
148 Salizhan Sharipov Expedition 10 EVA 1, 2 2
149 Soichi Noguchi STS-114 EVA 1, 2, 3 3
150 Stephen Robinson STS-114 EVA 1, 2, 3 3
151 John L. Phillips Expedition 11 EVA 1 1
152 Valery Tokarev Expedition 12 EVA 1, 2 2
153 Michael E. Fossum STS-121 EVA 1, 2, 3; STS-124 EVA 1, 2, 3 6
154 Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper STS-115 EVA 1, 3; STS-126 EVA 1, 2, 3 5
155 Daniel C. Burbank STS-115 EVA 2 1
156 Steven MacLean STS-115 EVA 2 1
157 Christer Fuglesang STS-116 EVA 1, 2, 4 3
158 Sunita Williams STS-116 EVA 3; Expedition 14 EVA 2, 3, 4 4
159 Oleg Kotov Expedition 15 EVA 1, 2 2
160 Fyodor Yurchikhin Expedition 15 EVA 1, 2, 3 3
161 John D. Olivas STS-117 EVA 1, 3 2
162 Steven Swanson STS-117 EVA 2, 4; STS-119 EVA 1, 2 4
163 Clayton Anderson Expedition 15 EVA 3; STS-118 EVA 3, 4 3
164 Richard Mastracchio STS-118 EVA 1, 2, 3 3
165 Dafydd Williams STS-118 EVA 1, 2, 4 3
166 Douglas H. Wheelock STS-120 EVA 1, 3, 4 3
167 Stanley G. Love STS-122 EVA 1, 3 2
168 Hans Schlegel STS-122 EVA 2 1
169 Garrett Reisman STS-123 EVA 1 1
170 Michael Foreman STS-123 EVA 2, 4, 5 3
171 Robert L. Behnken STS-123 EVA 3, 4, 5 3
172 Ronald J. Garan, Jr. STS-124 EVA 1, 2, 3 3
173 Sergei Volkov Expedition 17 EVA 1, 2 2
174 Oleg Kononenko Expedition 17 EVA 1, 2 2
175 Zhai Zhigang Shenzhou 7 1
176 Liu Boming Shenzhou 7 (stand-up) 1
177 Stephen G. Bowen STS-126 EVA 1, 3, 4 3
178 Robert S. Kimbrough STS-126 EVA 2, 4 2
179 Yuri Lonchakov Expedition 18 EVA 1, 2 2
180 Richard R. Arnold STS-119 EVA 1, 3 2
181 Joseph M. Acaba STS-119 EVA 2, 3 2
182 Andrew J. Feustel STS-125 EVA 1, 3, 5 3
183 Michael T. Good STS-125 EVA 2, 4 2
184 Michael R. Barratt Expedition 20 EVA 1, 2 2

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Published in July 2009.

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