Eucla Airport Eucla Airport in Australia
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Eucla Airport

Eucla was established in 1877 as a manual repeater station for the Overland Telegraph. A jetty and 1km tram line was constructed for offloading supplies to this remote area. At the time both the South and Western Australian colonial administrations operated out of Eucla's telegraph station. Before the invention of Morse Code South Australian staff employed what was known as the "Victorian Alphabet", and Western Australian telegraphers used what was known as the "Universal Code." Today Western Australian and South Australian rivalries appear to be largely confined to the football field. Come on Port Power!

Originally, Eucla's "Delisser Sandhills" were considerably smaller than today. In the 1890's a rabbit plague passed through the area eating dune vegetation which caused large sand drifts that repeatedly covered and uncovered the telegraph station. Today the telegraph station remains in ruin and the area is reportedly haunted by a ghost.

Eucla Airport
Photo credit: Richard Dale (Flight Club)
(Click on the photo to enlarge)

Eucla Airport
Photo credit: Richard Dale (Flight Club)
(Click on the photo to enlarge)


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