Innsbruck Tirol Airport Austrian airports - Innsbruck Tirol Airport
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Innsbruck Tirol Airport

Innsbruck Tirol Airport photo Environmental Policy at Innsbruck Airport

The environment is burdened by traffic world wide, including that of the public aviation sector.

Taking precautions to maximise environmental protection is a substantial component of the enterprise strategy of the Tyrolean Airport Management Company. The Innsbruck Airport is constantly setting new standards is this areas – not only in Austria but generally in Europe.

Innsbruck Tirol Airport photo

Ownership of Innsbruck Airport


49% IKB (Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe)
25,5% Tyrolean Provincial Authority
25,5% Municipality of Innsbruck

Innsbruck Tirol Airport photo

Erster Airport Österreichs mit Umweltzertifikat

Der Flughafen Innsbruck setzt in Umweltfragen immer wieder Meilensteine – nicht nur für Österreich, sondern generell für den europäischen Raum. Im Sommer 2000 erhielt er als erster Airport bundesweit ein Umweltzertifikat und ist berechtigt, das EU-Öko-Audit-Zeichen zu führen.

"Wir haben abermals eine Vorreiterrolle gespielt und in den vergangenen Jahren mit großer Anstrengung ein Umweltmanagementsystem entwickelt", informiert Flughafendirektor Mag. Reinhold Falch. Dieses Umweltmanagementsystem basiert auf den Richtlinien der europäischen EMAS-Verordnung (EMAS steht für Environmental Management Audit Scheme) und beinhaltet auch ein Umwelthandbuch, in dem die Umweltpolitik klar definiert wird. Kein Geringerer als der TÜV Bayern hat das Umweltmanagementsystem überprüft und für in Ordnung befunden. Der Flughafen wurde gemäß der EMAS-Verordnung in das Standorteverzeichnis beim Umweltbundesamt eingetragen.

Der Airport Innsbruck möchte ein gläserner Flughafen sein. Daher wurde eine Umwelterklärung erstellt, die jeder kostenlos am Airport beziehen kann.

Lärmabhängige Landetarife

Der Flughafen Innsbruck setzt konsequent seine Vorreiterrolle in Sachen Lärmpolitik fort, als erster Flughafen in Österreich führt er lärmabhängige Landetarife ein, um den Fluglärm noch weiter zu reduzieren. Die mit Antrag vom 19. März 2004 seitens der Tiroler Flughafenbetriebsgesellschaft (TFG) beantragte Einführung von lärmabhängigen Landetarifen auf Basis der Lärmklassifizierung des Flughafens Zürich ist mit Bescheid vom 4. Mai 2004 rückwirkend zum 1. April 2004 vom Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie (BMVIT) als Oberste Zivilluftfahrtsbehörde in Österreich genehmigt worden. Dies bedeutet, dass laute Flugzeuge - insbesondere die Typen MD 80 und YAK 42 - in Innsbruck mit Aufschlägen von bis zu Euro 1.000,- zu rechnen haben.


Year Day History
1925 1st June Opening of Innsbruck Airport in the Reichenau district and inauguration of the scheduled Munich-Innsbruck service
4th October Aerobatics by Ernst Udet

1926 14th March Christening of the "Tirol" aeroplane for round flights
18th April Start of high altitude transports by German Lufthansa
1st November Incorporation in the ?LAG network of routes

1930   Gliding comes to Innsbruck

1948 15th January Opening of "Innsbruck-West" Airport at the Ulfiswiese site

1950 June Incorporation of Innsbruck in the KLM network of scheduled flights

1951 May Start of the Swissair destination Zurich Innsbruck Salzburg

1954 October Foundation of the "Tiroler Flughafenbetriebsgesellschaft" as operating company

1956 22th November Establishment of air rescue services by the Federal Ministry of the Interior

1959 5th September Incorporation in the Austrian Airlines network of routes

1965 24th April Official inauguration of the new airport buildings

1966 23th October Landing of a BAC 1-11 jet aircraft

1976 29th January Installation of the instrument landing system

1978   Upswing in charter flights

1979 2nd July Start of the Crossair destination Zurich Innsbruck

1980 1st April Innsbruck-Vienna and Innsbruck-Zurich routes start operating with the Tyrolean Airways Dash 7

1983 1st July Inauguration of helicopter first aid service with the "Christophorus"

1985 1st January H. Jilg follows Dr. P. Schneider as airport director
The first Tyrolean Airways Dash 8 goes into service

1989 9th June Opening of the Tyrolean Air Ambulance centre.

1990 14th October 60,000 visitors at the 5th Innsbruck Airport Festival
29th October The new tower goes into operation

1991   Inauguration of the Tyrolean-hangar with engine check pit

1994 5th October Opening of the new air freight terminal

1995 1st January Mag. R. Falch follows H. Jilg as airport director
31st May First landing by a Tyrolean Airways Fokker 70

1996   Foundation of the Airport Environmental Forum
3th October Opening of the new arrivals hall

1998   52 scheduled and charter airlines operate to and from Innsbruck

1999 28th M?rz Start of the Air Alps Aviation Innsbruck Amsterdam service
Summer Starting and landing runways rebuilt
October Work starts on the multistorey car park

2000 26th M?rz Air Alps Aviation becomes the second carrier to operate the Innsbruck Vienna route
April Opening of the multistorey
22th May Start of the Innsbruck Graz route operated by Welcome Air, the new Tyrolean airline
1st June Opening of the new departure hall

2001 November Completion of the new aprons; 41 charter airlines now serve Innsbruck

2002 March Start of Air Alps Aviation's Innsbruck Bozen Rome service
April - December The airport restaurant is being rebuilt with you in mind

2003 31st M?rz official opening of the new airport restaurant "Fly-INN"
October Start of the Innsbruck - Bern route operated by Air Alps Aviation
December Start of the Innsbruck - London route operated by AUA Group

2004 January Start of the Innsbruck - G?teborg route operated by Tiroler Fluglinie Welcome Air

 Innsbruck Tirol Airport photo

Innsbruck Airport

Tel: +43 512 22525 0
Fax: +43 512 22525 102

Fürstenweg 180
6020 Innsbruck

E-mail: info at innsbruck-airport com
http://www.flughafen-innsbruck at /

Images and information placed above are from
We thank them for the data!


General Info
Country Austria
Time UTC+1(+2DT)
Latitude 47.260219
47° 15' 36.79" N
Longitude 11.343964
011° 20' 38.27" E
Elevation 1906 feet
581 meters
Type Civil
Magnetic Variation 001° E (05/06)
International Clearance Status Airport of Entry
Daylight Savings Time Last Sunday in March to last Sunday in October

Opr 0445-2215Z++
Opr 0445-2215Z++
Opr 0445-2215Z++

ID Dimensions Surface PCN ILS
08/26 6562 x 148 feet
2000 x 45 meters

Type ID Name Channel Freq Distance From Field Bearing From Navaid
NDB INN INNSBRUCK - 420 3.0 NM 306.7

Fuel Jet A1, without icing nhibitor.

100/130 MIL Spec, low lead, aviation gasoline (BLUE)

CAUTION Dur seasonal mt wind eff dep N of city.
FLUID Acft de-icing vehicles avbl.
FUEL Avbl 0530-1900Z++. (NC-100LL, A1)
LGT PAPI Rwy 08-26 GS 3.5 MEHT 50.4'.
NS ABTMT Dep should avoid city and hosp. If possible fly S of city along the hwy.
OPR HOURS Opr 0530-1900Z++.


Runway 08/26

6562 x 148 feet
2000 x 45 meters

Runway 08
True Heading 081.0
Latitude 47.258828
47° 15' 31.78" N
Longitude 11.330914
011° 19' 51.29" E
Elevation 1906.0 feet
581 meters
Slope -0.2°
Landing Distance 6223 feet
1897 meters
Takeoff Distance 6700 feet
2042 meters
Displaced Threshold Length 339 feet
103 meters
Overrun Length 138 feet
42 meters
Overrun Surface SURFACE UNKNOWN.
Lighting System CL

Runway 26
True Heading 261.0
Latitude 47.261624
47° 15' 41.85" N
Longitude 11.357019
011° 21' 25.27" E
Elevation 1890.0 feet
576 meters
Slope 0.2°
Landing Distance 6364 feet
1940 meters
Takeoff Distance 6700 feet
2042 meters
Displaced Threshold Length 198 feet
60 meters
Overrun Length 138 feet
42 meters
Overrun Surface SURFACE UNKNOWN.
Lighting System SF


Type ID Channel Freq Country State
NDB INN - 420 Austria -
Latitude Longitude Airport
47° 13' 48.03" N
011° 24' 06.75" E


The content above was published at in 2006.
We don't guarantee the information is fresh and accurate. The data may be wrong or outdated.
For more up-to-date information please refer to other sources.

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