Greater Moncton International Airport in New Brunswick New Brunswick airports - Greater Moncton International Airport
Greater Moncton International Airport in New Brunswick - Canada
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Greater Moncton International Airport

Greater Moncton International Airport  picture

Located in the hub of the Maritimes, the Greater Moncton International Airport (GMIA) has a vibrant passenger market, serving more consumers within a 2.5-hour drive than any other airport in Atlantic Canada. Since its privatization in 1997, the airport has grown significantly both in passenger (133% increase) and cargo (74% increase) traffic.

The airport has experienced such a tremendous passenger growth, which has resulted in the construction of a new state-of-the-art terminal building. The thematic design of the building was inspired by the province of New Brunswick, one of the most beautiful regions in Canada. Its citizens are known world wide for their warmth and friendliness.

These traits, coupled with the natural resources indigenous to this part of the world, like wood and water as well as natural attractions like the Tidal Bore and the Hopewell Cape Rocks provided the inspiration for the design of the building.

The 85,000 sq.ft. terminal includes 22 check-in counters, passenger lounge, retail shopping, food service outlet and customs and immigration facilities.

GMIA provides user-friendly connections around the world and offers over 100 weekly direct flights serving all major commercial centers in Canada.

Greater Moncton International Airport  pictureHistory Airport

On January 11, 1928, the first scheduled air flight out of the Greater Moncton area took place. The flight was carrying mail and passengers to the Magdalen Islands. Two different sites were initially used for the air mail service. Favorable landing conditions was the reason they chose L�ger�s Corner as the final location for the airport.

In 1929, a local private company bought land at L�ger�s Corner and through the years, two runways and structures for maintenance on planes were constructed. The Moncton Aero Club was founded that year as well as the International Airways Flying School. In the same year, the airport expanded its air mail service to Prince Edward Island and Montreal. In 1936, the city discussed with Transport Canada the development of an airport suitable for trans-Canada air service. The L�ger�s Corner site was unsuitable for expansion so they chose Lakeburn as the new site for the airport. An initial paved runway and two additional runways were to be constructed.


In March 1940, the Department of National Defence requested authorization from the Department of Transportation to open a service flying training school under the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan. The school would train war pilots from the Commonwealth countries. A hangar was also constructed at the airport for a repair and overhaul base during the war. These facilities would employ up to one thousand workers. Many of them occupied the 200 houses built for that purpose in �The Patch� near the airport.


During the early 1940�s, mail and passenger services were offered to Charlottetown, Montreal, Halifax, Sydney, Saint John, Fredericton and Newfoundland. The hangar of Trans-Canada Airlines, one of the first airlines in the region, was the location for the first air terminal. In 1952, a larger hangar was being converted into a modern air terminal but it was destroyed by fire. In 1953, part of a new air terminal was constructed.


The expansion in 1964 included an operations building and a control tower. The terminal building was completed in 1976 with the combination of the terminal and the operations building.


During the years, renovations were done including the addition of the international arrivals area constructed in time for the 1999 Francophone Summit.


In May of 2001, the Greater Moncton Airport Authority made the decision to build a new, state-of-the-art facility. Construction began in early July of that same year and was completed in early fall of 2002.


On October 19, 2002, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II officially opened the terminal building. During that same time, the airport obtained its international status.


Greater Moncton International Airport

Address: 777, Aviation Avenue, Unit 12
E1A 7Z5


Tel: (506) 856-5444

Fax: (506) 856-5431




E-mail: office at gma ca

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General Info
Country Canada
Time UTC-4(-3DT)
Latitude 46.112221
46� 06' 44.00" N
Longitude -64.678611
064� 40' 43.00" W
Elevation 232 feet
71 meters
Type Civil
Magnetic Variation 019� W (01/06)
Beacon Yes
Near City Moncton
Operating Hours 24 HOUR OPERATIONS
International Clearance Status Airport of Entry
Daylight Saving Time Second Sunday in March at 0200 to first Sunday in November at 0200 local time (Exception Arizona and that portion of Indiana in the Eastern Time Zone)

TWR 120.8
APN ADVSY 122.075
GND 121.8
ATIS 128.65
APP/DEP 124.4
Communications Remarks  
TWR Emerg only C506-867-7220.
ATIS C506-867-7224

ID Dimensions Surface PCN ILS
06/24 6150 x 200 feet
1875 x 61 meters
11/29 8000 x 200 feet
2438 x 61 meters

Type ID Name Channel Freq Distance From Field Bearing From Navaid
VORTAC YQM MONCTON 120X 117.3 6.4 NM 244.5
NDB ZQM RIVERVIEW - 304 6.2 NM 064.5

Fuel Jet A1, without icing nhibitor.

100/130 MIL Spec, low lead, aviation gasoline (BLUE)

FLUID De-ice
FUEL (NC-100LL, A1 ,A1+)
JASU 2(Hobart) 1400 AMP 30-40V, Electric Start 10/25, GTC/GTE-85, NC-10A/A1/B/C
LGT PAPI Rwy 11 and 24, 9 lgt unit for acft with eye-to-wheel hgt up to 25'.

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