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Ramstein Air Base

Ramstein Air BaseLandstuhl was part of the Ramstein/Landstuhl AB, changed name to Landstuhl-Ramstein AB on 01DEC1957, and finally to Ramstein AB on 15AUG1958.

The host unit at Ramstein Air Base, Germany is the 86th Alirlift Wing (AW). The 86th AW’s Mission is the operation and maintenance of airlift assets composed of C-130s, C-9s, C-20s and C-21s throughout Europe, Africa, and the Middle East . The 86th AW Commander also serves as the Kaiserslautern Military Community (KMC) commander. Also residing at Ramstein is the 435th Air Base Wing (ABW) and the 38th Combat Support Wing (CSW). The 435th ABW mission focuses on base support responsibilities within KMC while the 38th CSW provides support to Geographically Separated Units (GSUs) throughout Europe. The 435th ABW and 38th CSW Commanders both also serve as the KMC deputy commanders. Ramstein is also a North Atlantic Treaty Organization installation. Beside Americans, the installation's population is comprised of Canadian, German, British, French, Belgian, Polish, Czech, Norwegian, Danish, and Dutch forces.

Landstuhl is part of the Kaiserslautern/Ramstein complex. There are ten large dependents' schools in the immediate area. Ramstein Air Base is the headquarters for the American Air Force in Europe, plus some NATO units (British, Canadian, Belgian, Dutch, French, and German).

Landstuhl is located near a main east-west autobahn, 11 miles west of Kaiserslautern and 2 miles southwest of Ramstein. A main rail line also serves it from Heidelberg to Paris. Daily express trains are available to many European cities. The largest airport in Europe at Frankfurt is 90 minutes by auto. The climate is typical of central Europe. Winters are rainy and some snowfall is normal. There may be hot days in July and August. One should bring at least $3,000 for settling-in expenses.

Landstuhl, located across the autobahn from Ramstein AB, was built on the site of earlier Celtic and Germanic-Roman settlements. Where the present Kolpinghaus meeting place stands, once stood a Frankish king's court which dates back to the ninth century. Landstuhl received its city status by 1323 and, from a tiny population of about 150 in 1520, it has grown to a population of more than 10,000. The city has several churches and buildings which date back hundreds of years. Among the historic structures in town are the "Alte Kapelle" (Old Chapel), constructed in 1300, and "Pfarrkirche St. Andreas" which dates back to the 17th and 18th centuries.

Only 10 minutes up the road from Ramstein is Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, the largest American hospital outside the United States. Landstuhl Regional Medical Center is located in the Rheinland-Pfalz state, 11 kilometers west of Kaiserslautern and five kilometers south of Ramstein Air Base. Landstuhl Medical Center is one of two special hospitals in Europe. There are specialists in all areas except for the rarest cases, which are treated at Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, D.C.


URL: http://www.ramstein.af.mil/

E-mail: 435abw pa at ramstein af mil

Images and information placed above are from http://www.ramstein.af.mil/
We thank them for the data!

General Info
Country Germany
Time UTC+1(+2DT)
Latitude 49.436911
49° 26' 12.88" N
Longitude 7.600283
007° 36' 01.02" E
Elevation 782 feet
238 meters
Type Military
Magnetic Variation 000° E (01/05)
Beacon Yes
Operating Agency U.S.AIR FORCE
Near City Landstuhl
Operating Hours 24 HOUR OPERATIONS
International Clearance Status Airport of Entry
Daylight Savings Time Last Sunday in March to last Sunday in October

TWR 133.2
GND 121.775
Opr 0500-2100Z++dly.
Opr 0400-2100Z++ Mon-Sat; 1100-2100Z++ Sun exc hol.
Communications Remarks  
PMSV Wx fcst not avbl dur mand quiet hrs. When wx fcst clsd, wx info avbl fr USAFE OPS Wx Sq (OWS) DSN 496-6145 or 6146.
ATIS MP 0200-0500Z++ Mon-Sun.

Dimensions Surface PCN ILS
10499 x 148 feet
3200 x 45 meters
09/27 9278 x 148 feet
2828 x 45 meters

Type ID Name Channel Freq Distance From Field Bearing From Navaid

Fuel JP-8, SemiKeroscene MIL Spec T-83133, without icing inhibitor
Oil O-133, 1010, jet Engine Oil (MIL l 6081)
Other Fluids SP, Single Point Refueling

PRESAIR, Air Compressors rated 3,000PSI or more

DE-ICE, Anti-icing/De-icing/Defrosting Fluid (MIL A 8243)

LHOX, Low and high pressure oxygen servicing

LOX, Liquid oxygen servicing
AIR: 150+/-5lb/min (2055+/-68cfm) at 51+/- psia, AC: 120/208v, 400 cycle, 3 phase, 75kva, 0.75pf, 4 wire, DC:28v, 200 amp, 5.6kw

82lb/min (1123cfm) at 130 deg air inlet temp,45psia(min) air outlet

30 kva AC 115/200v 3 phase 400hz AIR 110 lb/min at 25 psi and 28v 500/1000amp DC

A-GEAR Apch end BAK-9(B) rigged only when BAK-13/14 is O/S. Apch end BAK-13/14 rqr 5 min PN. Dep/Apch end BAK-9 rqr 15 min PN. Combination BAK-12/14 Rwy 08/26.
CAUTION Taxi dur low vis: No acft, base asgn or tran, will be allowed to taxi when the lowest RVR is less than 370 M. 628' underrun Rwy 27 unavbl for ldg. 631' underrunRwy 09 unavbl for ldg. Underruns are stressed and avbl for tkof only. Large acft must use min pwr settings dur taxi ops, inboard eng only. To prevent FOD whiletaxiing, unless ops rqr, use inboard eng only and do not use reverse thrust or abv idle. All hvy acft dep Rwy 27 must ensure cntrline posn prior to pwr up, failure to do so may result in rwy closure for removal of FOD haz. Unctl veh ops onramps and twys. All tran acft rqr gnd marshaller prior to eng start. Multiple airfield construction, men and eqpt near active rwy/twy with min wing-tip clnc in some areas. Aircrews are reminded to review NOTAMS for current info. Clsd area is mrk and lit appropriately. Wide body acft will back taxi on rwy. Departing acft shall lift off no later than opposite end of rwy displaced thld. Aircrews use caution when entering/exiting Rwy 09/27 at twy L and D due to non-grooved rwyashphalt surface. Possible hydroplaning/sliding when wet or when snow/ice prresent. Numerous unctl, non-transponder equipped general avn and gldr tfc in vcntyof Ramstein class E airspace. Pilots should excr increased vigilance in vcnty of IAF's FRANK and MAPIG.
JASU 1(MD-3) 1(MA-1A) 1(MA-2) 1(M32A-60A)
LGT Rwy 27 apch lgt, fst lgt bar not vis byd 1.8 DME.
MISC Fst 1401' Rwy 09 and fst 1410' Rwy 27 is conc, middle 6467' is porous friction asphalt; 180 turns perms only on conc rwy ends exc C160 acft or smaller. Wx obsn avbl H24. Vis determined at 51' AGL. Vis determination fr offl obsn pt is obscured fr S thru SW. See AP/2, Chap 3, Germany FLIGHT PLANNING for addn info. Aircrews are encouraged to file outbd FPL the day prior to ETD, deviations to ETD and rte of flt may result in flow ctl dlys. No COMSEC avbl with AIRFIELD MANAGEMENT. Do not ctc twr on 133.2, 279.65, 121.775, 252.1 outside of 25NM and abv 4000'.
NS ABTMT Mand quiet hr 2100-0500Z++ Sun-Sat, 2100Z++ Sat-1200Z++ Sun and GM hol; see AP/2for current listing of Rheinland-Pfalz hol. Eng start not auth prior to 0500Z++wo quiet hr waiver. Sun-GM hol eng start approved 30 min prior to end of quiethr but cannot dep til 1200Z++. Quiet hr waiver granted thru Wg COMD POST DSN 480-2121/2122 for msn essential tfc only.
OIL O-133
RSTD OFFL BUS ONLY. PPR exc Ramstein AB acft or acft on TACC ctl msn. All PPR req areto be submitted to AIRFIELD MANAGEMENT via fone DSN 480-2367/2446, C49-6371-47-2367/2446, via fax DSN 480-5084, C49-6371-47-5084 or via Email: airfield.management at ramstein.af.mil. Send PPR req no earlier than 15 days prior and not later than 24 hr prior to arr. Requestor must provide lcl POC for confirmation of Offl Bus Only. All PPR req are taken by afld management 24 hr per day and processed 0630-1530Z++ wkd, exc fed hol. Due to ltd prk, all PPRs are slotted, any acft arr 30 min prior or 30 min aft apv arr time must re-coord PPR or acft could be diverted. Trans acft must min gnd time as slotted, due to ltd prk. Requestor is responsible for checking PPR status with AIRFIELD MANAGEMENT as applicable 24 hr prior to arr. All aircrews on TACC ctl msn or prk on Ramp 5/5A must rpt to 723 AMSS/AMCC for briefing upon arr. All acft carrying haz cargo in or out of Ramstein must coord with 723 AMSS/TRO not later than 72 hr prior to ETA DSN 479-4418/4419 /4420. All acft with VIP code 6 and abv must ctc Wg COMD POST not later than 20 min prior to arr and forward block-time. Any deviations outside of these parameters must be coordinated with Wg COMD POST. Rwy clsd 2100-0500Z++ 2nd Sun ev month exc in-flight-emerg with 20 min PN to twr. No practice apch on Sat, Sun and GMhol. Afld is apv for practice apch for 3rd/16th AF acft only. Acft taxiing into/out of ramp 5A must use min pwr. Tran acft equipped with drag chutes retain chutes til prk. Afld and apch lgt intmt out dur NVG trng SS+30 thru 2100Z++ Mon-Fri. Tran acft not auth VFR pat. Note: USAFE ftr acft may recover via overhead pat.
TRAN ALERT Full svc 0500-2100Z++ Mon-Fri; ltd svc 0500-2100Z++ Sat, Sun and GE hol. Min ftrsvc avbl. Lcl sorties not authorized. Tran aircrews are not authorized to driveon Ramstein AB flightline until a TDY briefing is rcv and a pass issued from Airfield Management. For flightline transportation req, ctc Veh OPS at DSN 480-5961, C+49-6371-5961.

Runway 09/27

9278 x 148 feet
2828 x 45 meters

Runway 09
True Heading 086.0
Latitude 49.436100
49° 26' 09.96" N
Longitude 7.580925
007° 34' 51.33" E
Elevation 765.5 feet
233 meters
Slope 0.2°
Landing Distance 8650 feet
2637 meters
Takeoff Distance 9278 feet
2828 meters
Displaced Threshold Length 628 feet
191 meters
Lighting System SF

Runway 27
True Heading 266.0
Latitude 49.437722
49° 26' 15.80" N
Longitude 7.619697
007° 37' 10.91" E
Elevation 781.9 feet
238 meters
Slope -0.2°
Landing Distance 8647 feet
2636 meters
Takeoff Distance 9278 feet
2828 meters
Displaced Threshold Length 631 feet
192 meters
Lighting System SF


Type ID Channel Freq Country State
TACAN RMS 081X - Germany -
Latitude Longitude Airport
49° 26' 04.57" N
007° 35' 29.48" E


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We don't guarantee the information is fresh and accurate. The data may be wrong or outdated.
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