Kassos Island Public Airport Distance and Direction from city: 500m NW from city. Refernce point: 322517N 265500E POSTAL ADDRESS: Kasos Airport Telephone Directory Air traffic statistics 2000 WEB: http://www.alxd.gr/AirportQuide/Kasos/KasosE.htm Images and information placed
above are from
Runway 09/273221 x 82 feet
Runway 09 | |
Surface | ASPHALT |
True Heading | 093.0 |
Latitude | 35.421539 35° 25' 17.54" N |
Longitude | 26.904647 026° 54' 16.73" E |
Elevation | 20.0 feet 6 meters |
Slope | 0.2° |
Landing Distance | 3221 feet 982 meters |
Takeoff Distance | 3221 feet 982 meters |
Lighting System | LIGHTS |
Runway 27 | |
Surface | ASPHALT |
True Heading | 273.0 |
Latitude | 35.421178 35° 25' 16.24" N |
Longitude | 26.915447 026° 54' 55.61" E |
Elevation | 25.0 feet 8 meters |
Slope | -0.2° |
Landing Distance | 3221 feet 982 meters |
Takeoff Distance | 3221 feet 982 meters |
Lighting System | LIGHTS |
The content above was published at Airports-Worldwide.com in 2005.
We don't guarantee the information is fresh and accurate. The data may be wrong or outdated.
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