Kangaatsiaq Heliport Greenland airports - Kangaatsiaq Heliport
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Kangaatsiaq Heliport

Kangaatsiaq Heliport (ICAO: BGKA) is a heliport in Kangaatsiaq, a village in the Qaasuitsup municipality in western Greenland. The heliport is considered a helistop, and is served by Air Greenland as part of a government contract.

Kangaatsiaq Heliport
  • IATA: none
Airport type Public
Operator Greenland Airport Authority (Mittarfeqarfiit)
Serves Kangaatsiaq, Greenland
Elevation AMSL 17 ft / 5 m
Coordinates 68°18′46″N
Website Kangaatsiaq Heliport

Kangaatsiaq Heliport

Location in Greenland

Number Length Surface
m ft
1 30 × 20 98 × 66 Asphalt
Source: Danish AIS

Airlines and destinations

Airlines Destinations
Air Greenland (settlement flights) Seasonal: Aasiaat, Attu, Iginniarfik, Ikerasaarsuk, Niaqornaarsuk

Air Greenland operates government contract flights to villages in the Aasiaat Archipelago. These mostly cargo flights are not featured in the timetable, although they can be pre-booked. Departure times for these flights as specified during booking are by definition approximate, with the settlement service optimized on the fly depending on local demand for a given day.

Settlement flights in the Disko Bay region are unique in that they are operated only during winter and spring. During summer and autumn, communication between settlements is by sea only, serviced by Diskoline.

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