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Coonagh Aerodrome

Coonagh Aerodrome


Coonagh Aerodrome

N52 39' 59.44" W08 40' 54.59"

A/G Radio: 129.90

Fuel: NIL

Coonagh is home to the Limerick Flying Club. The field is located about 2NM west of Limerick City and has one hard surface runway, 28/10. The runway is only 416M long and 9M wide so extreme care must be taken when operating into Coonagh as the narrow runway may give the impression of a long runway. Coonagh lies very close to the Shannon CTR, just 1.5NM. Shannon CTA over the field stretches from 1000ft to 5000ft.


416 X 9
416 X 9

Limerick Flying Club - A Brief History

Towards the end of the sixties, there was an interest in developing a social side to the business operation at Coonagh - this social club was called the Limerick Flying Club.

After Shannon Flying services moved to Oranmore in Co. Galway and eventually became Aer Arran, the group of enthusiasts at Coonagh were without an aircraft or an Instructor. In 1970 they decided to formalise the club and arrange membership. Foncy Hobbins, Brendan Beegan and Bryan Carpenter became the initial committee of Limerick Flying Club with Bryan as President.

In 1991 EI-BGB was replaced with Rallye EI-AYA and the club bought a Beechcraft 23, eg. EI-BFF to replace EI-BKU which was damaged earlier that year. By June of 1993 the flying at Coonagh had dropped off considerably and over the next two and a half years there was a general slump in aviation everywhere which resulted in many clubs finding it difficult to stay afloat. David Fielding became President of the club in 1994 and Sean Walsh was appointed Deputy CFI. The club did not have enough demand for two training aircraft and ir was decided to lease EI-BDK to the Castlebar Flying Club. Over the next teo years the club struggled back and a draw was organised in February 1996 EI-BDK was re-engined through an arrangement made with the castlebar Flying Club. EI-AYA was re-engined later that year. EI-BFF was sold to Midland Aviation and in return the club bought Rallye EI-BFM. Since 1995 the club has gone from strength to strength with the club now operating two training aircraft, one touring aircraft and a membership in excess of one hundred.

The Limerick Flying Club
Ennis Road
(061) 326600

E-mail: webmaster at limerickflyingclub com

WWW: Coonagh Aerodrome

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