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Hacketstown Aerodrome

Hacketstown Aerodrome


Hacketstown Aerodrome

N52° 51' 18.1" W6° 32' 50.4"

A/G Radio: NIL

Fuel: NIL

Hacketstown is situated in the foot-hills of the Wicklow/Dublin mountains at Eagle Hill, Co. Carlow. The airfield has one runway, 16/34, which is just 375 meters in length. You would want to be a fairly proficient pilot to squeeze your aircraft in here. Added to that, the runway is on the side of a hill. IAA notes state that the runway is undulating but to me that is a bit of an understatement! In saying that there is a Britten Norman Defender based there so operations are not impossible...

375 X 18
375 X 18

*** Runway Undulating


The airfield is situated 1/2 mile out from Hacketstown on the Tinahealy Road at Eagle Hill.

The Falcons parateam was founded in 1984 by Vernon McCarthy, a chief parachute instructor, and James Matthews, a parachuting pilot and parachutist.

The Falcons operated at Punchestown near Naas, Co. Kildare for thirteen years. During that time the Falcons completed over 20,000 jumps and raised in excess of IR2 million for different charities. We have formed national teams, trained foreign military, organised competitions abroad, trained a two-times world champion and led developments in Irish parachuting. Our members have acted as delegates at the International Parachute Commision, safety officers at World Championships and represented Ireland at the World Air Games on several occassions.

Former members trained by us are now spread world wide running drop-zones and are employed in various aspects of skydiving everywhere. Former and present pilots fly for airlines such as Ryanair, Aer Lingus, CityJet and many others.

After an interim period at Kilrush airfield, Co. Kildare the Falcons moved to Gerry Morehead's airfield in Co. Carlow where they now operate the National Parachute Centre at Eagle Hill, Hacketstown Co. Carlow.

Tel Airfield: 0508 71905

E-mail: info at nationalparachutecentre ie

WWW: Hacketstown Aerodrome

Images and information placed above are from http://www.nationalparachutecentre.com/
We thank them for the data!

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