Bodø Airport Norwegian airports - Bodø Airport
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Bodø Airport

Bodø Airport picture
(Click on the photo to enlarge)

Bodø Airport pictureBodø Airport (IATA: BOO, ICAO: ENBO) (Norwegian: Bodø lufthavn) is a main civilian airport in Bodø, Norway. It is located next to the military air force base Bodø Main Air Station, just south of the city centre, on the westernmost tip of the peninsula Bodø lies on. The airport has a single concrete, 2794 m x 45 m runway which runs in a roughly east-west direction. In addition to jet operations to Oslo, the airport serves as a hub for regional airline flights to Helgeland, Lofoten and Vesteralen. It served 1,430,000 passengers in 2006.


Postal flights to Bodø started in 1921, and before 1940 Bodø was served with sea planes from Wideroe.

The first runway at Bodø Airport was build during World War II by British troops, after Germany had invaded Southern Norway. On May 26, 1940 three British Gloster Gladiators landed and made out the first airborne defence for the city. The area was swampland, and the first makeshift runway consisted of wooden planks floating on the water. But soon the superior Luftwaffe seized control over the airport, and held it for the duration of the war, among other things upgrading the runway to concrete.

Not much was done with airport until the Korean War started in 1950. The West were afraid of a Soviet attack on Western Europe, so a new airfield was constructed at a new location southwest of the old one. Originally planned to be finished in 1951, the new airport didn't open until 1956, though the civilian bit opened in 1952. From then on fighter jets have been stationed at Bodø. In 1988 NATO injected vast amounts of money to enable the airfield to handle large air forces in the event of an emergency.

Air force base

The Bodø Main Air Station, situated near at the airport, is the biggest air station in Norway operated by the Royal Norwegian Air Force. This air station is the home of the 331st and the 332nd Squadron of F-16s in addition to a detachment from the 330th Squadron of Westland Sea King helicopters.

Bodø Main Air Station (IATA: BOO, ICAO: ENBO) (Norwegian: Bodø hovedflystasjon is situated just outside Bodø, Norway and is the largest air station in Norway, operated by the Royal Norwegian Air Force. This air station is the home of the 331st and the 332nd Squadron of F-16s in addition to a detachment from the 330th Squadron of Westland Sea King helicopters. Bodø MAS is also the producer of the NASAMS (Norwegian Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System). Near the air station, at Bodin, there is an air force training base. Also at the station is the civilian Bodø Airport.

The air force base is manned by approximately 450 conscripted recruits, with 1000 employees in total. Bodø Main Air Station hosts 50% of the Norwegian jet fighter force. Their main objectives are to train new pilots and to maintain two fighters at immediate readiness for NATO. The Sea King aircraft are used for search and rescue operations.

World War II

In early 1940 two Short Sandringham flying boats flew in from the United Kingdom with engineers and their equipment to start work on a runway, and several options were studied before it was decided to build a runway at Plassmyra just outside Bodø.

On May 26 1940, three British Gloster Gladiators of No. 263 Squadron RAF arrived at Bodø, one of which bogged down in the mud and had to be abandoned. That day, one of the Gladiators, piloted by Flight Lieutenant Hull, damaged a Heinkel He 111 which went on to crash, shot down two Junkers Ju 52 transports, and damaged another He 111 all in one patrol.

At 08:00 the following day a force of about 14 Ju-87 Stuka dive bombers, escorted by Bf 110 heavy fighters, bombed the airfield and the town of Bodø. The two Gladiators attacked the Germans, claiming one Ju 87 each. However, they were in turn attacked by the escorting Bf 110s and Flight Lieutenant Hull was obliged to make a forced landing. The other Gladiator pilot, Lieutenant Lydekker, was wounded and, unable to land safely at Bodø due to the presence of the Bf 110s, flew to Bardufoss where he crashlanded.

The German occupying forces improved the runway with concrete surface and aircraft shelters, and a wood planked runway approximately 1,200 m (3,900 ft) long. This runway mainly served Ju-88 light bombers and a unit of Ju-87 Stuka dive bombers, and Bf 109s of Jagdgeschwader 5.

Cold War

When the war ended, the Norwegians took control of the airport. During the Cold War the station was one of the most important Norwegian bases. During the event of a nuclear war between the Soviet Union and NATO, Bodø Main Air Station primary function was to contribute with fighter aircraft to open Soviet air defence systems. The plan was the when the airspace was open, B-52 bombers belonging to Strategic Air Command (SAC) were to go into the Soviet Union and drop nuclear weapons on cities and military installations. During the cold war the Norwegian Government did not allow placement of nuclear weapons in the kingdom during peace, but Bodø Main Air Station had specially built storage to receive nuclear weapons for storage in a war or during a crisis.

The airport has undergone major modernization and expansion projects, with NATO injecting vast amounts of money in 1988 to enable the airfield to handle large air forces in the event of an emergency.

No other area in the NATO alliance confronted Soviet counterparts face-to-face as frequently as the Norwegian fighter squadrons at Bodø during the Cold War. At the height of the Cold War they scrambled to the skies on a daily basis and saw up to 200 confrontations a year.

Bodø Airport picture
A F-5 Freedom Fighter from the Royal Norwegian Air Force,
stationed at Bodø Main Air Station during the Cold War

(Click on the photo to enlarge)

Airport Information
Travel time to city centre: 10 minutes

Airport bus: Yes
Taxi: Telephone number: 07550
Car rental: Yes Restaurants: Yes
Cash dispenser: Yes
Hotel close to the airport: In the city
Airport charges / Weekly Season Card: Purchasable at this airport

Bodø Airport picture


City: Bodø, Norway
Type: Airport (Aerodrome, Airfield)
Use: Public/Civil, Military
Latitude: 67°16'09"N (67.269167)
Longitude: 14°21'55"E (14.365278)
Datum: WGS 1984
Elevation: 42 ft (13 m)
Timezone: UTC+1 (DST+2)
Runways: 1
Longest: 11136 * 148 ft (3394 * 45 m)

Contact us

Airport service hours
Monday - Friday: 08.00 - 18.00
Saturday: 09.00 - 15.00
Sunday: 14.00 - 20.30

Inquiries about Avinor Bodø Airport

Phone : (+47) 67 03 35 00
Fax : (+47) 67 03 35 01

E-mail: servicesenter bodo at avinor no

Visiting address

Avinor, Bodø Airport, Olav V gate 56-60, 8004 Bodø, Norway

Mailing address

Avinor, Bodø Airport, Postboks 150, 2061 Gardermoen, Norway


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General Info
Country Norway
Time UTC+1(+2DT)
Latitude 67.269167
67° 16' 09.00" N
Longitude 14.365278
014° 21' 55.00" E
Elevation 42 feet
13 meters
Type Joint (Civil and Military)
Magnetic Variation 003° E (01/06)
Operating Hours 24 HOUR OPERATIONS
International Clearance Status Airport of Entry
Daylight Saving Time Last Sunday in March to last Sunday in October

TWR 118.1
Opr 0500-2300Z++.
APP/DEP 119.7

ID Dimensions Surface PCN ILS
07/25 11136 x 148 feet
3394 x 45 meters

Type ID Name Channel Freq Distance From Field Bearing From Navaid
TACAN BOO BODO 045X - At Field -
VOR-DME BDO BODO 122Y 117.55 At Field -
NDB FSK FAUSKE - 326 18.1 NM 268.2

Fuel JP-4, Wide cut turbine fuel MIL Spec T-5624

Jet fuel avaiable but type is unknown.

100/130 MIL Spec, low lead, aviation gasoline (BLUE)
Other Fluids DE-ICE, Anti-icing/De-icing/Defrosting Fluid (MIL A 8243)
82lb/min (1123cfm) at 130 deg air inlet temp,45psia(min) air outlet

STRUVER 30 kva 115v AC 400 hz 3 phase

STRUVER 45kva 115v AC 400 hz 3 phase

CAUTION Parts of twy are not controlled by or vis fr the twr. No grooving on rwy, incr chance of hydroplaning due to standing water when wet. Unlgtd obst sfc of arpt. The S parl twy could be mistaken as main rwy. Birds.
FLUID De-Ice (Avbl 0400-2230Z++ Mon-Fri, 0400-2030Z++ Sat, 0915-2230Z++ Sun.)
FUEL Avbl 0415-2200Z++ Mon-Fri, 0415-2030Z++ Sat, 0930-2200Z++ Sun. (NC-100LL, J8)
JASU 6(MA-1A) 1(STR-16) 1(STR-30) 1(STR-45)
LGT Due to WIP til 28 Sep 06, Rwy 25 ALS O/S. Tmpry PAPI Rwy 25 estab.
NS ABTMT Cir S of arpt. Overfly town abv 3000'.
RSTD PPR Diplomatic clnc req to COMAIRNORTH. Mil acft opr 0630-1330Z++ Mon-Fri, clsd hol. NS ABTMT pro in effect. Aftburner to be used only if opr requirement and then only in TFC PAT VFR. No overhead pat. Rwy 08 enter str-in or join downwind direct. Straight for Rwy 26 offset 10 to the south. Acft in Boeing 707 class or larger ctc Bellboy 241.725 15 min prior to ldg.
RWY Due to WIP til 28 Oct 06, Rwy 25 thld displ 1886' W. Tmpry Rwy 25 thld elev 43'. Rwy 07 TORA and LDA 8294'. Rwy 07 displ thld (1969') avbl for mil acft use only, PPR.

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