Almería Airport Spanish airports - Almería Airport
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Almería Airport

Almería Airport photo Almería Airport is the closest airport to resorts and towns such as Aguadulce, Almerimar, Roquetas de Mar, Mojacar, Vera, Garrucha and of course the City of Almeria.


Almería Airport plays one of the most important roles in the development of the province's tourist potential. Located at the centre of the bay of Almeria and eight kilometres from the city, it enjoys excellent communications with the province's other tourist destinations, such as Cabo de Gata, Aguadulce, Roquetas de Mar, El Ejido or Mojacar.

During the 1990's, Almería Airport grew continuously and in 2000 it handled almost a million passengers. To adjust to these demands, in 1995 the passenger terminal was remodelled and in 2002 the new cargo terminal came into operation.

In 2005, Almeria handled 1,073,585 passengers, 18,269 flight operations and 52.6 tonnes of cargo.

Almería Airport photo


Although, following the commencement of aeronautical activities in Almeria in 1911, the capital city's Town Hall began construction on a municipal aerodrome in the late 1920s, which was inaugurated in 1932, it was not until 1947 that the first initiative was undertaken to provide Almeria with an airport that would break the city's secular isolation. This was backed by the general implementation of airlines and the need and importance that the construction of an airport would have for exporting agricultural produce. Almeria Town Hall took up this challenge and promoted the creation of the Almería Airport Combined Technical Board in 1951, which, apart from the participation of the local administration, included that of the Air Ministry.

After rejecting a number of projects, it was finally decided to locate it at a place known as Los Albardiales. The definitive impulse for the airport came with its inclusion in the 1964-1967 General Plan for Airports and Air Routes. The airport project included the construction of a runway and an aircraft parking apron. In the beginning, it was equipped with a provisional passenger terminal which was to be replaced with a permanent one in a new construction plan after 1968.

Almería Airport photo

On 6 February 1968, the new airport was opened in the location currently known as El Alquian. It was opened to domestic and international passenger and cargo traffic, operating during daylight hours, and at night upon request. The runway was given the designation of 08-26 and it had two exit taxiways, one partial taxiway parallel to the runway, aircraft parking and a terminal. At first, all airport traffic was served together; later, a modification to the distribution of the terminal made it possible to separate domestic passengers from international ones.

Air traffic began with an Almeria-Madrid line, operated by F-27 aircraft with a frequency of two or three flights a week. In April, this flight became daily, with DC-9 and Caravelle aircraft. In November, a daily flight was established with Murcia and Barcelona, using a Convair 440. Later, other routes were established with Alicante and Barcelona.

As regards international traffic, the first route began in July 1970, with the Almeria-Valencia-Paris flight, which operated on Sundays. The route to Barcelona was extended, in the summer, to Germany and, in the winter, to England. In 1974, British Airways began operating the Almeria-London route. That same summer, charter operations began, which have increased little by little. The most common airlines for this type of traffic are the German LTU and Hapag Lloyd and the English Britannia. A scheduled flight to Melilla was established in November.

Almería Airport photo

The passenger terminal was remodelled in 1995, and the new cargo terminal opened in 2002. Although, following the commencement of aeronautical activities in Almeria in 1911, the capital city's Town Hall began construction on a municipal aerodrome in the late 1920s, which was inaugurated in 1932, it was not until 1947 that the first initiative was undertaken to provide Almeria with an airport that would break the city's secular isolation. This was backed by the general implementation of airlines and the need and importance that the construction of an airport would have for exporting agricultural produce. Almeria Town Hall took up this challenge and promoted the creation of the Almería Airport Combined Technical Board in 1951, which, apart from the participation of the local administration, included that of the Air Ministry.

After rejecting a number of projects, it was finally decided to locate it at a place known as Los Albardiales. The definitive impulse for the airport came with its inclusion in the 1964-1967 General Plan for Airports and Air Routes. The airport project included the construction of a runway and an aircraft parking apron. In the beginning, it was equipped with a provisional passenger terminal which was to be replaced with a permanent one in a new construction plan after 1968.

On 6 February 1968, the new airport was opened in the location currently known as El Alquian. It was opened to domestic and international passenger and cargo traffic, operating during daylight hours, and at night upon request. The runway was given the designation of 08-26 and it had two exit taxiways, one partial taxiway parallel to the runway, aircraft parking and a terminal. At first, all airport traffic was served together; later, a modification to the distribution of the terminal made it possible to separate domestic passengers from international ones.

Air traffic began with an Almeria-Madrid line, operated by F-27 aircraft with a frequency of two or three flights a week. In April, this flight became daily, with DC-9 and Caravelle aircraft. In November, a daily flight was established with Murcia and Barcelona, using a Convair 440. Later, other routes were established with Alicante and Barcelona.

As regards international traffic, the first route began in July 1970, with the Almeria-Valencia-Paris flight, which operated on Sundays. The route to Barcelona was extended, in the summer, to Germany and, in the winter, to England. In 1974, British Airways began operating the Almeria-London route. That same summer, charter operations began, which have increased little by little. The most common airlines for this type of traffic are the German LTU and Hapag Lloyd and the English Britannia. A scheduled flight to Melilla was established in November.

Almería Airport photo

The passenger terminal was remodelled in 1995, and the new cargo terminal opened in 2002. Although, following the commencement of aeronautical activities in Almeria in 1911, the capital city's Town Hall began construction on a municipal aerodrome in the late 1920s, which was inaugurated in 1932, it was not until 1947 that the first initiative was undertaken to provide Almeria with an airport that would break the city's secular isolation. This was backed by the general implementation of airlines and the need and importance that the construction of an airport would have for exporting agricultural produce. Almeria Town Hall took up this challenge and promoted the creation of the Almería Airport Combined Technical Board in 1951, which, apart from the participation of the local administration, included that of the Air Ministry.

After rejecting a number of projects, it was finally decided to locate it at a place known as Los Albardiales. The definitive impulse for the airport came with its inclusion in the 1964-1967 General Plan for Airports and Air Routes. The airport project included the construction of a runway and an aircraft parking apron. In the beginning, it was equipped with a provisional passenger terminal which was to be replaced with a permanent one in a new construction plan after 1968.

On 6 February 1968, the new airport was opened in the location currently known as El Alquian. It was opened to domestic and international passenger and cargo traffic, operating during daylight hours, and at night upon request. The runway was given the designation of 08-26 and it had two exit taxiways, one partial taxiway parallel to the runway, aircraft parking and a terminal. At first, all airport traffic was served together; later, a modification to the distribution of the terminal made it possible to separate domestic passengers from international ones.

Air traffic began with an Almeria-Madrid line, operated by F-27 aircraft with a frequency of two or three flights a week. In April, this flight became daily, with DC-9 and Caravelle aircraft. In November, a daily flight was established with Murcia and Barcelona, using a Convair 440. Later, other routes were established with Alicante and Barcelona.

As regards international traffic, the first route began in July 1970, with the Almeria-Valencia-Paris flight, which operated on Sundays. The route to Barcelona was extended, in the summer, to Germany and, in the winter, to England. In 1974, British Airways began operating the Almeria-London route. That same summer, charter operations began, which have increased little by little. The most common airlines for this type of traffic are the German LTU and Hapag Lloyd and the English Britannia. A scheduled flight to Melilla was established in November.

The passenger terminal was remodelled in 1995, and the new cargo terminal opened in 2002.

Almería Airport - AENA airport

Ctra. Nijar Km 9,
04071, Almeria

Airport Code: LEI

Telephone: 0034 950 213 700
Fax: 0034 950 213 858

E-mail: leiinfo at aena es


AENA accepts no responsibility for the information posted at this site neither for the possible damages caused for the use of this information.

Images and information placed above are from
Almería Airport
We thank them for the data!

General Info
Country Spain
Time UTC+1(+2DT)
Latitude 36.843936
36° 50' 38.17" N
Longitude -2.370097
002° 22' 12.35" W
Elevation 70 feet
21 meters
Type Civil
Magnetic Variation 001° W (01/06)
Daylight Savings Time Last Sunday in March to last Sunday in October

TWR 118.35
GND 121.7
APP 118.35

Dimensions Surface PCN ILS
08/26 10499 x 148 feet
3200 x 45 meters

Type ID Name Channel Freq Distance From Field Bearing From Navaid
VOR-DME AMR ALMERIA 088X 114.1 5.4 NM 279.9
NDB AMN ALMERIA - 310 At Field -

Fuel Jet A1, without icing nhibitor.

Unknown fuel type or whether there is any fuel.
Oil Available (Types unknown)

FUEL (NC-100LL, A1)
OIL O-123-125
OPR HOURS Opr 0610-2145Z++.
RSTD 30 min PPR. NORDO proh.

Runway 08/26

10499 x 148 feet
3200 x 45 meters

Runway 08
True Heading 073.0
Latitude 36.839722
36° 50' 23.00" N
Longitude -2.387258
002° 23' 14.13" W
Elevation 26.0 feet
8 meters
Slope 0.4°
Landing Distance 10007 feet
3050 meters
Takeoff Distance 10649 feet
3246 meters
Displaced Threshold Length 492 feet
150 meters
Overrun Length 150 feet
46 meters
Overrun Surface ASPHALT
Lighting System HIRL

Runway 26
True Heading 253.0
Latitude 36.848147
36° 50' 53.33" N
Longitude -2.352936
002° 21' 10.57" W
Elevation 70.0 feet
21 meters
Slope -0.4°
Landing Distance 10499 feet
3200 meters
Takeoff Distance 10690 feet
3258 meters
Overrun Length 191 feet
58 meters
Overrun Surface ASPHALT
Lighting System HIRL


Type ID Channel Freq Country State
VOR-DME AMR 088X 114.1 Spain -
Latitude Longitude Airport
36° 49' 59.40" N
002° 15' 33.92" W


Type ID Channel Freq Country State
NDB AMN - 310 Spain -
Latitude Longitude Airport
36° 50' 54.13" N
002° 22' 44.96" W

Almería Airport - AENA airport

The content above was published at in 2006.
We don't guarantee the information is fresh and accurate. The data may be wrong or outdated.
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