Asturias Airport Spanish airports - Asturias Airport
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Asturias Airport

Asturias Airport photo

Asturias airport is located in the town of Castrillon, 15 km from Aviles, 40 km from Gijon and 47 km from Oviedo.

Traffic consists primarily of scheduled domestic flights. Most of these flights are to and from Madrid-Barajas, Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca and Tenerife Sur. As regards international traffic, most flights are to and from the United Kingdom, France and Belgium, as there are regular connecting flights to London-Stansted, Paris-Orly and Brussels.

In 2005, the airport reached 1,251,495 passengers, managed 17,534 operations and moved 230 tonnes of freight.

This is one of the main airports for Nothern Spain and is used by travellers wishing to explore this wonderful and unspoilt coastline along with the Cities of Oviedo, Aviles and Gijon.

Just over 1.1 million people passed through the airport in 2005 which is quite a bit higher than 2000 when just 817,000 passengers passed through the airport. In Spanish it is known as Aeropuerto de Asturias.

The rise in numbers is partly to do with the fact the Easyjet offer a dialy flight from Stansted (up to two flights per day in the summer) and an increase in the volume of domestic traffic.

Domestic passenger traffic accounts for around 95% of all passnegr movements.

The arrivals and departures areas at the airport are easy to navigate and there are a total of 12 check in desks and 9 boarding gates.

There are a handfull of shops and cafes at the airport so you can always buy a newspaper and get something to eat and drink.

Asturias Airport photo


The start of commercial aviation in Asturias dates back to the year 1952, when the airline Aviaco established a scheduled passenger route with Madrid. In order to do so, the airline used a Bristol 170 plane and set up at the military airdrome of La Morgal (Lugo de Llanera) near Oviedo. In June 1963, for technical reasons, the airdrome closed to commercial traffic which is why the region of Asturias was left without air connections until five years later.
Several sites were studied for the location of the new airport, and finally land near Santiago del Monte, a town in Castrillón, beside the coast and 126 metres high, was chosen.

On 11 June 1968, Asturias airport, the most northerly of the Spanish airports, officially opened to air traffic.

The first commercial route linked Asturias with Madrid, and a little while later another route linking Santiago de Compostela with Barcelona came into service and stopped over at Asturias and Bilbao.

From the moment it started operating, Asturias airport dealt with international traffic via a customs office in Avilés.

During this first stage, Asturias airport already had a runway 2,200 metres long and 45 metres wide, as well a 17,000 square metre aircraft parking platform linked to the runway via a perpendicular taxiway.

Asturias Airport photo

The passenger terminal building covered 2,600 square metres, and opposite it an apron with a capacity for 150 places.

Expansion and improvements

In 1982, the first big alterations were carried out to the airport. The aircraft parking platform doubled in size and more than two thousand square metres of new areas were constructed. Thus, the airport's passengers and service areas were trebled and 5 check-in desks, 2 boarding gates and 2 arrival gates, a new cafeteria-restaurant and several shops were incorporated. That year it received 259,000 passengers, 5,092 aircraft and 1,124,211 Kg of cargo.

In 1994, a new modernisation and extension plan for Asturias airport began via which the area of the passenger and services terminal building was increased to 8,700 square metres. The building was equipped with new air conditioning, more information for the general public was provided, the signalling, security and mechanisation of luggage, the remodelling of the power plant and the implementation of a wastewater purifying plant. A 900-metre long taxiway was built and the apron and car park were extended. New buildings were built for hire vehicles, the car wash service and for fuel. That year, 7,182 aircraft, 486,000 passengers and 482,442 Kg of cargo were recorded.

Asturias Airport photo

In the year 2000, the apron was extended from five to seven places, a new access was built to the taxiway and, finally, runway axis lights were installed after it was extended.

In 2002, Asturias airport recorded 774,317 passengers, 12,036 aircraft, 577,235 kg. of freight and 82,488 kg. of mail.

In 2003, work was carried out that considerably improved passenger and aircraft service.

A new 1,450 m. taxiway with fast runway exit, a new car park with 172 places for Aena employees and franchisees, the start-up of the CAT II/III ILS that allows for the number of reduced visibility movements to be increased and the expansion of the terminal building with the installation of 3 boarding/disembarking corridors are the most important actions carried out.

Asturias Airport photo

There are four main bus routes out of the airport:

A round trip which goes to: Oviedo - Gijon - Asturias Airport

And direct buses which go from:

The Airport - Oviedo - 47kms , single fare €5.40 , return fare €10.30

The Airport - Gijon - 40 kms, single fare €5.40 , return fare €10.30

The Airport - Aviles - 14 kms, single fare €5.40 , return fare €10.30

The buses leave at regular intervals throughout the day and you can get more detailed information on timetables etc by calling 0034 902 499 949.

Taxis from Asturias Airport

The taxi rank is just outside of the terminal building and a rough guide to fares is:

Oviedo - 47 kms - €40-45
Gijon - 40 kms - €36 - 42
Aviles - 14 kms - €18 - 22

Please note there is no train service at Asturias Airport.

Flights to Asturais Airport

If you are flying to Asturais from the UK then the only airline to offer a direct flight is Easyjet who offer a regular flights from London Stansted. During the summer months there are up to two flights each day.

As mentioned abovce 95% of all passengers travel to Asturais via internal domestic flights from Alicante, Barcelona, Lanzarote, Madrid, Malaga, Palma, Seville, Tenerife and Valencia. The best airlines to check out for these flights are; Iberia and Spanair.

Asturias Airport - AENA airport

33400 - Aviles, Asturias

Airport Code: OVD

Telephone: 0034 985 127 500



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Images and information placed above are from
Asturias Airport
We thank them for the data!

General Info
Country Spain
Time UTC+1(+2DT)
Latitude 43.563567
43° 33' 48.84" N
Longitude -6.034622
006° 02' 04.64" W
Elevation 416 feet
127 meters
Type Civil
Magnetic Variation 003° W (01/06)
Daylight Savings Time Last Sunday in March to last Sunday in October

TWR 118.15
GND 121.7
APP 118.15

ID Dimensions Surface PCN ILS
11/29 7218 x 148 feet
2200 x 45 meters

Type ID Name Channel Freq Distance From Field Bearing From Navaid
VOR-DME VES ASTURIAS 071X 112.4 At Field -
NDB AST ASTURIAS - 325 At Field -

Fuel Jet A1, without icing nhibitor.

100/130 MIL Spec, low lead, aviation gasoline (BLUE)
Other Fluids DE-ICE, Anti-icing/De-icing/Defrosting Fluid (MIL A 8243)

CAUTION Bird haz.
FLUID De-ice avbl.
FUEL (NC-100LL, A1) C34-985 127 583.
OIL 0-125
OPR HOURS Opr 0630-2245Z++, OT 2 hr PPR 1 hr before arpt clsd.
RWY Acft that rqr 180 turnaround, will do so only in rwy end designated areas.

Runway 11/29

7218 x 148 feet
2200 x 45 meters

Runway 11
True Heading 109.0
Latitude 43.566639
43° 33' 59.90" N
Longitude -6.047592
006° 02' 51.33" W
Elevation 399.0 feet
122 meters
Slope 0.0°
Landing Distance 7218 feet
2200 meters
Takeoff Distance 7218 feet
2200 meters
Lighting System CL

Runway 29
True Heading 289.0
Latitude 43.560497
43° 33' 37.79" N
Longitude -6.021650
006° 01' 17.94" W
Elevation 399.0 feet
122 meters
Slope 0.0°
Landing Distance 7218 feet
2200 meters
Takeoff Distance 7218 feet
2200 meters
Lighting System TDZL


Type ID Channel Freq Country State
VOR-DME VES 071X 112.4 Spain -
Latitude Longitude Airport
43° 33' 52.53" N
006° 01' 50.41" W


Type ID Channel Freq Country State
NDB AST - 325 Spain -
Latitude Longitude Airport
43° 33' 28.23" N
006° 01' 42.21" W

Asturias Airport - AENA airport

The content above was published at in 2006.
We don't guarantee the information is fresh and accurate. The data may be wrong or outdated.
For more up-to-date information please refer to other sources.

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