Pitea Airport Swedish airports - Pitea Airport
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Pitea Airport

General Info
Country Sweden
Time UTC+1(+2DT)
Latitude 65.398333
65° 23' 54.00" N
Longitude 21.260833
021° 15' 39.00" E
Elevation 43 feet
13 meters
Magnetic Variation 006° E (01/06)
Operating Agency MUNICIPAL
Daylight Saving Time Last Sunday in March to last Sunday in October

RDO 123.55

ID Dimensions Surface PCN ILS
16/34 3281 x 82 feet
1000 x 25 meters

Fuel 100/130 MIL Spec, low lead, aviation gasoline (BLUE)

CAUTION Ultra lgt and model acft flying.
FUEL (NC-100LL, A1)
MISC Sea plane act on river E of rwy. Ldg area marked by buoys.
RSTD PPR fone C0911 623 15/657 32.

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