Vellinge Airport Swedish airports - Vellinge Airport
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Vellinge Airport

Vellinge Airfield (ICAO: ESTT), also known as Vellinge-Söderslätt Airfield (Swedish: Vellinge-Söderslätt Flygfält), is an airport in Vellinge, Sweden, run by Söderslätts Aviation Club (Swedish: Söderslätts Flygklubb). The club has about 80 members and owns one PA-28-180, one Evektor EV-97 Eurostar (Ultralight) and one Aerospool WT-9 Dynamic. The aviation club and airport was previously located at the Trelleborg/Maglarp airport located just a few hundred meters to the north, but was forced to relocate in 2003. The airport is active year-round, weather permitting, with school flights as well as a number of privately own aircraft operating from the airport.

Vellinge-Söderslätt Airfield
Vellinge-Söderslätts Flygfält
  • IATA: none
Owner Söderslätts Flygklubb
Operator Söderslätts Flygklubb
Elevation AMSL 12 ft / 4 m
Coordinates 55°23′40″N
Direction Length Surface
ft m
03/21 2,480 800 Grass

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