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Denham Aerodrome

Denham Aerodrome Denham Aerodrome is fortunate in its position, sited on a well drained gravel plateau and easily accessible from Central London.

The main runway is tarmac and aligned to benefit from the prevailing wind while minimising disturbance to local residents. It is equipped with lights and aids so that it can provide for flights by day and night.

There is also a grass runway which can be used if the wind is strongly across the main runway.

A Duty Officer supervises flying operations from the 'Tower'. As is common with smaller aerodromes, there is no full Air Traffic Control service but the Duty Officer provides an advisory radio service, either a Flight Information Service or an Air/Ground Radio Service. Weather forecasts are received regularly from the Met. Office and made available to pilots.

Procedures are in place for the smooth handling of international flights. Close contact is maintained with H M Customs, Immigration, the Police and Special Branch.

Offices are situated on both sides of the aerodrome providing facilities for aircraft which are parked there, but the hangars are all on the northern side against a backdrop of trees.

A popular restaurant, named Biggles, stands in its own grounds with a good view of the aerodrome. It is a pleasant place for functions in the summer.

The aerodrome is home for a number of businesses and privately owned aircraft which need to be based within easy reach of London. There are flying schools, offering pilot training and aircraft hire for both fixed and rotary wing aircraft and companies providing maintenance. A number of company aircraft are based on the aerodrome or visit for regular servicing. Night time storage and maintenance is provided for London's well known Helicopter Emergency Service MD900 Explorer, G-EHMS.

With people travelling more and further, Denham Aerodrome provides access to a very useful alternative means of transport as well as providing employment for many local people.

Denham Aerodrome

Owls Oak, Slade Oak Lane, Denham,

Tel: 01895 832060
Fax: 01895 833486

E-mail: webmaster at egld com


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