edinburgh airport airport of edinburgh
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Edinburgh Airport

Edinburgh Airport Edinburgh Airport is Scotland's fastest growing airport, having recently undergone a £100 million redevelopment to extend and upgrade its terminal facilities. Located seven miles the west of the capital, its two runways handle over 6 million passengers each year.

Check-in is located in the middle of the ground-floor concourse. Domestic arrivals is located on the right of the ground-floor concourse and international arrivals is on the left of the ground-floor concourse.

We have installed a state-of- the art information desk in UK arrivals, a business area, more smoking areas and are installing additional catering and shopping outlets in the departure lounge.

Travelling To and From the Airport
There are a variety of transport options for getting to and from the airport.

Edinburgh Airport

By Car
The airport is about 25 minutes drive from the city centre, outside of peak rush-hour times when the journey time can be as much as an hour. Road access to the airport is from the two-level junction on the A8 midway between the Gogar and Newbridge roundabouts. There are 1-hour and short-stay parking facilities if you wish to see off or meet someone from a flight. There are also longer-stay and holiday parking options available with a frequent courtesy transfer service operating on the 10-minute journey between the car park and the terminal. Holiday parking can be pre-booked on 0870 000 1 000 (UK) or +44 (0)121 410 5105 (from outside the UK).

By Bus
Public service bus stops are located at stand 18 on the terminal forecourt road outside the UK arrivals hall. There is an express bus service to Edinburgh city centre which operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Tickets can be bought from an onward travel desk in the UK arrivals hall, the airport information desk in the International arrivals hall, or on the bus itself. The journey takes approximately 25 minutes and terminates at Waverley Bridge, near to the main railway station and bus station and close to the city's main street, Princes Street.

By Taxi
Taxis are available from a designated rank beside the coach park outside the UK arrivals hall.

Number of terminals : 1
Number of passengers a year : 7.8 million
Number of airlines : 40
Number of destinations : 80
Number of runways : 1 main runway

Edinburgh Airport Edinburgh Airport

Airport Tel No 0844 481 8989

Telex: 727615 EDILTD G

Fax: +44 (0)131 335 3181

IATA CODE: EDI (Turnhouse)
Location: 7 miles West of Edinburgh
Airport Address - Edinburgh Airport, Edinburgh, EH12 9DN

Ticket Sales - British Airways Ticket Desk, main concourse
Check-in - British Airways, main concourse, or at a British Airways self-service check-in kiosk
Departure Gates - UK departures on the first floor
Lounge - There is a British Airways Executive Club terraced lounge located on the first floor UK departures area

E-mail: edi_feedback at baa com


Images and information placed above are from http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/jcurry/, http://airport-parking-essentials.co.uk/edinburgh/edinburgh.asp, http://www.visitscotland.com/library/edinburghairport?view=Standard
We thank them for the data!

General Info
Country United Kingdom
Time UTC 0(+1DT)
Latitude 55.950000
55° 57' 00.00" N
Longitude -3.372500
003° 22' 21.00" W
Elevation 135 feet
41 meters
Type Civil
Magnetic Variation 004° W (01/05)
Operating Hours 24 HOUR OPERATIONS
International Clearance Status Airport of Entry
Daylight Savings Time Last Sunday in March to last Sunday in October

TWR 118.7
GND 121.75
ATIS 131.35
APP 121.2
Communications Remarks  
GND Opr 0700-2000Z Mon-Fri, 0900-1900Z Sat, Sun (0530-2100Z Mon-Fri, 0800-1800Z Sat,0800-1900Z Sun sum).

ID Dimensions Surface PCN ILS
06/24 8400 x 150 feet
2560 x 46 meters
08/26 CLOSED 2621 x 150 feet
799 x 46 meters
12/30 5899 x 150 feet
1798 x 46 meters

Type ID Name Channel Freq Distance From Field Bearing From Navaid
NDB UW EDINBURGH - 368 5.1 NM 063.8

Fuel Jet A1, without icing nhibitor.

100/130 MIL Spec, low lead, aviation gasoline (BLUE)
Oil O-117, 1100, Reciprocating Engine Oil (MIL L 6082)

O-123, 1065,(Dispersant)Reciprocating Engine Oil(MIL L 22851 Type III)

O-148, MIL L 7808 (Synthetic Base), Turboprop/Turboshaft Engine

O-149, Aircraft Turbine Engine Synthetic 7.5c St

O-156, MIL L 23699 (Synthetic Base)Turboprop/Turboshaft Engine
Other Fluids LHOX, Low and high pressure oxygen servicing

CAUTION Bird haz.
FUEL (NC-100LL, A1) Avbl 0530-2300Z++ OT by O/R.
JASU 1(A1) 1(C1) 1(E1) 1(E5)
LGT PAPI Rwy 30 GS 3.5 .
NS ABTMT Reverse thrust/pitch proh fr 2300-0700Z++ unless in emerg. Use of aftburner permitted only for essential safety or opr reasons.
OIL O-117-123-148-149-156
RSTD PPR 24 hr fr RAF Turnhouse movements or Edinburgh Arpt Ltd. PPR fr ATC for NORDOand UHF only acft. Dur lo vis pro Rwy 12-30 are not avbl for ldg. Mil jets, RADAR vectoring to ILS or ASR is mand. Mil acft must incl both EGPHZGZX (Civ) and EGQTYXYW (Turnhouse Mil) on FPL. Rwy 12-30 is not avbl at ngt, exc for emerg use. Rpt LDA Rwy 30 is 5728'.

Runway 06/24

8400 x 150 feet
2560 x 46 meters

Runway 06
True Heading 059.0
Latitude 55.943997
55° 56' 38.39" N
Longitude -3.390142
003° 23' 24.51" W
Landing Distance 7700 feet
2347 meters
Takeoff Distance 8598 feet
2621 meters
Displaced Threshold Length 700 feet
213 meters
Overrun Length 198 feet
60 meters
Overrun Surface CONCRETE.
Lighting System TDZL

Runway 24
True Heading 239.0
Latitude 55.955892
55° 57' 21.21" N
Longitude -3.355056
003° 21' 18.20" W
Landing Distance 7700 feet
2347 meters
Takeoff Distance 8599 feet
2621 meters
Displaced Threshold Length 700 feet
213 meters
Overrun Length 199 feet
61 meters
Overrun Surface CONCRETE.
Lighting System TDZL

Runway 12/30

5899 x 150 feet
1798 x 46 meters

Runway 12
True Heading 119.0
Latitude 55.951306
55° 57' 04.70" N
Longitude -3.359436
003° 21' 33.97" W
Elevation 99.0 feet
30 meters
Landing Distance 5899 feet
1798 meters
Takeoff Distance 5899 feet
1798 meters
Lighting System HIRL

Runway 30
True Heading 299.0
Latitude 55.943522
55° 56' 36.68" N
Longitude -3.334031
003° 20' 02.51" W
Landing Distance 5695 feet
1736 meters
Takeoff Distance 5899 feet
1798 meters
Displaced Threshold Length 204 feet
62 meters
Lighting System HIRL


Type ID Channel Freq Country State
NDB UW - 368 United Kingdom -
Latitude Longitude Airport
55° 54' 18.55" N
003° 30' 09.04" W

The content above was published at Airports-Worldwide.com in 2005.
We don't guarantee the information is fresh and accurate. The data may be wrong or outdated.
For more up-to-date information please refer to other sources.

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