farnborough airport airport of farnborough
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Farnborough Airport

Farnborough Airport Farnborough holds a unique place in British aviation. Its history is closely linked to the development of the aircraft industry as the site of a government-owned aircraft factory in the first world war, then as a research establishment and today as the location of the biennial international air show. The Ministry of Defence declared Farnborough surplus to requirements in 1992. It has now received planning permission to develop into a business and executive aviation centre. But despite the changes the Society of British Aerospace Companies, which promotes the air show, has announced its intention of keeping it at Farnborough indefinitely. The show represents a major challenge to NATS controllers who are responsible for co-ordinating all the movements into and out of the airfield as well as the flying display itself.

In the United Kingdom, TAG Aviation (U.K.) Ltd. is engaged in the management, charter, and charter brokerage of business jet aircraft and holds a Type A (large aircraft) and Type B, Air Operator Certificate issued by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).

TAG Farnborough Airport Ltd. operates Farnborough Airport (which it leases from the U.K. Ministry of Defense), located in Hampshire, U.K., thirty-five miles southeast of London. Farnborough Airport is a CAA certified, full IFR, commercially qualified airport for the exclusive use of business jet aircraft. Farnborough also serves as the home of the Farnborough Airshow, one of the largest aerospace trade shows in the world. TAG Farnborough Airport Ltd. is engaged in the full range of airfield operating activities, including airfield operations and maintenance, crash and rescue, safety, aircraft and passenger security, and air traffic control. In addition, the company provides handling and fueling services, and offers parking and hangar and office accommodations for business jets and support activities.

A wholly owned subsidiary of TAG Farnborough Airport Holdings Ltd. is a CAA, FAA, and JAR 145 certified repair station that provides engineering services on a variety of business jet types.

With a heritage of over 45 years, we have more experience than any other provider in the business aviation industry. The expectations of our many clients around the globe are continually exceeded thanks to our expertise, resources, and uncompromising standards for quality service, safety, and ultimate professionalism.

Fact File

  • The airport is currently leased by the Ministry of Defence to TAG Farnborough Airport which plans up to 28,000 movements a year.
  • During the flying display and the preparation for it, NATS controllers can expect to handle more than 500 aircraft movements a week. The Lower Airspace Radar Service (LARS) at Farnborough is the busiest in the country.
  • Civilian flying began at the airport in 1989.
  • The first officially-recognised flight by a piloted aircraft in Britain was made by S F Cody over Laffans Plain, which is now the site of Farnborough airport, when he covered 496 yards at a maximum height of 60 feet.

TAG Farnborough Airport Ltd

Farnborough Airport,
GU14 6XA

Tel: 01252 379000
Fax: 01252 379051

WWW: http://www.tagaviation.com/

Images and information placed above are from http://www.nats.co.uk/services/farnborough.html
We thank them for the data!

General Info
Country United Kingdom
Time UTC 0(+1DT)
Latitude 51.275833
51° 16' 33.00" N
Longitude -0.776333
000° 46' 34.80" W
Elevation 238 feet
73 meters
Type Joint (Civil and Military)
Magnetic Variation 002° W (01/05)
Beacon Yes
Daylight Savings Time Last Sunday in March to last Sunday in October

TWR 122.5
OPS 130.375
ATIS 128.4
APP 134.35

ID Dimensions Surface PCN ILS
06/24 8005 x 148 feet
2440 x 45 meters

Other Fluids DE-ICE, Anti-icing/De-icing/Defrosting Fluid (MIL A 8243)

OXRB, Oxygen replacement bottles

CSTMS/AG/IMG Avbl HO, 48 hr PN.
FLUID OXRB. De-Ice by arng.
FUEL (NC 100LL, A1)
JASU 1(E1) 1(E3) 1(E4) 1(E6) 1(E7) 1(E10)
LGT PAPI Rwy 06-24 GS 3.5 MEHT 51'. Arpt IBn, green coded FH.
OPR HOURS Opr 0700-2200Z++ Mon-Fri; 0800-2000Z++ Sat, Sun and hol.
RSTD PPR H24. Rpt LDA 5905' Rwy 06-24. Acft proh fr arr and dep outside opr hr exc in emerg or anytime Dec 25 and 26. 180 turns and V/STOL tkof proh on ASP sfc of rwy. Full len dep both rwy mand, use starter extn. Flt crews req to wear hi-visvests while airside. Arriving acft, incl R/W, must flw ATC instr and rpt marshaller in sight. Dep acft must use min pwr til est on twy. When calling for start,ramp posn must be passed to ATC.

Runway 06/24

8005 x 148 feet
2440 x 45 meters

Runway 06
True Heading 062.0
Latitude 51.270553
51° 16' 13.99" N
Longitude -0.792044
000° 47' 31.36" W
Elevation 225.0 feet
69 meters
Slope -0.1°
Landing Distance 6233 feet
1900 meters
Takeoff Distance 8497 feet
2590 meters
Displaced Threshold Length 1772 feet
540 meters
Overrun Length 492 feet
150 meters
Overrun Surface CONCRETE.
Lighting System CL

Runway 24
True Heading 242.0
Latitude 51.280839
51° 16' 51.02" N
Longitude -0.761161
000° 45' 40.18" W
Elevation 219.0 feet
67 meters
Slope 0.1°
Landing Distance 5915 feet
1803 meters
Takeoff Distance 8005 feet
2440 meters
Displaced Threshold Length 2090 feet
637 meters
Lighting System CL

The content above was published at Airports-Worldwide.com in 2005.
We don't guarantee the information is fresh and accurate. The data may be wrong or outdated.
For more up-to-date information please refer to other sources.

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