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Sandown Airport (Isle of Wight)

Sandown Airport (Isle of Wight) Birnie Air Services was formed in 1992, and has been offering aerial tours of the Isle of Wight, daily throughout the summer months.

The aircraft used is a Cessna 172. Ideally suited for this type of operation, it has a high wing, offering a relatively unobstructed view of the ground, suitable for not only pleasure flights, but aerial survey and photographic duties.

Although a small airport, Sandown has excellent facilities for visiting pilots. The Island has many attractions within a short distance from the airfield making it an interesting cross country destination. For those flying onto the Continent or Channel Islands the aerodrome is an ideal start destination. Assistance is available for flight planning, weather, customs, police, immigration clearance, and fuel drawback (currently 27.34 pence per litre on all fuel loaded before departure).

The Reach for the Pie cafe at Sandown is open during airfield operational hours, offering quality beverages and light snacks.

Birnie Air Services
Isle of Wight Airport,

Scotchells Brook Lane,
Isle of Wight
PO36 0JP

Tel: 01983 408374
Fax: 01983 408374

Tel - 01983 405125
Fax - 01983 406117

E-mail: Jim at IOWFlyingClub co uk


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Aerodrome Information

Operating Hours:

Winter: 09.00-17.00 or sunset Summer: 08.00-17.00 Runway: 05/23 Grass
23 all distances 884 metres
05 as 23 except LDA 775 metres
Black and white wingbars emphasise the position of landing thresholds
Circuit: 05 LH 23 RH Height 1000ft

Geographical position:

50 degrees 39'N/01degrees 11'W
Elevation 60 feet AMSL
C.A.A. Licensed Category 2D Prior Permission Only (Telephone or Radio call).
Fire service Cat. 1.
Aerodrome Code EGHN
Radio: *Sandown Radio* 123.5. While usually manned, manning is not continuous. Pilots should observe the aerodrome ground signals for runway in use and circuit direction and if radio equipped should call all points of the circuit. Radio Navigation Aids: Midhurst VOR (MID) 114.0MHz bearing outbound to field 228� M
Sampton VOR (SAM) 113.35 MHz bearing to field 167� M
Bembridge NDB (IW) 426 MHz bearing outbound to field 249� M
Aeronautical Hazards: Rising ground south of airfield 3NM 785 ft AMSL.
Mast 1299 ft AMSL 6NM bearing 275� M from field.
Mast 950 ft AMSL 7NM bearing 290� M from field.
Danger Area: Portsmouth Danger Area DO35 has been removed. Neighbouring Aerodrome: Bembridge Airfield. Runway 12/30, Circuit 12 LH 30 Rh. Position 3NM NE of field. Radio "Bembridge" 123.25
Note: Gliding may take place from this field.
Alternative Airfields: Bembridge 3 NM NE Radio 123.25
Goodwood 20 NM NE Radio 122.45
Southampton 19 NM Solent Radar 120.225

The content above was published at in 2005.
We don't guarantee the information is fresh and accurate. The data may be wrong or outdated.
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