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Ulster Flying Club

The Ulster Flying Club (UFC) was founded in 1961 and over this period has grown to become Northern Irelands largest flying school and one of the largest, non commercial training, flying organizations in Ireland.

Ulster Flying Club

Since commencing operations from Newtownards aerodrome the UFC has established itself as a leading provider of aviation services, ranging form trial lessons to PPL training, night ratings to IMC all provided in a friendly and welcoming environment. Microlight lessons are also available form the Ulster Microlight Centre, an aviation partner of the UFC.

Ulster Flying Club 
Evans Quickie Q2
(Click on the photo to enlarge)

All instructors with the UFC are trained to Civil Aviation Authority highest standards and fly over 2500 instructional hours each year, no mean feat. Hand in hand with an impeccable safety record the UFC can be proud to provide a safety minded and experienced staff, to make your time with us as enjoyable and trouble free as is possible.

So why not come along and see the wide range of services provided at the Ulster Flying Club, you can view the airfield from our picnic area situated at the front of the Clubhouse and we are sure you will be bitten by the "flying bug!"

Ulster Flying Club 
Final approach 26 at Newtownards
(Click on the photo to enlarge)

Guidelines for flights to and from Newtownards from outside Northern Ireland

Legal Position

The 'Prevention of Terrorism Act' requires that all flights to & from Northern Ireland, The Isle of Mann and the Channel Islands shall take place between 'Designated Airports' unless permission has been obtained in advance from the Chief Constable of the Police Force responsible for the airport.

The normal minimum period of advance notice required is 12 hours however some constabularies (including Northern Ireland) require 24 hours notice or even more at weekends. Some RAF airfields require 7 days notice!

Newtownards Airport is NOT a designated airport and therefore advance permission must be obtained.

Additional constraints apply to helicopter flights in and out of Northern Ireland.

Remember that you must obtain permission for both ends of your flight from the relevant local Police. (In other words obtaining departure approval from Prestwick does NOT secure landing approval at Newtownards even though you told Scottish Special Branch your destination.)

Departure from Newtownards to a destination outside Northern Ireland

Contact Police Authority - Force control (028) 90650222 and request advance permission for the flight. They will require (at least) 24hrs notice

• Date and time (local) and points of proposed departure and arrival. • Aircraft type and registration

• Name, address, date of birth for Pilot and all passengers • Contact phone number

Once permission has been obtained, complete departure cards for all passengers and crew and deposit in the UFC general Office before departure. Write the aircraft registration on the back of the Pilot in Command's card.

Fill in the 'Record of Flights In and Out of NI' sheet in the lobby, indicate the number of passengers carried in the Remarks column. (e.g. +2)

Arrival at Newtownards from a destination outside Northern Ireland

Contact Police Authority - Force control (028) 90650222 and request advance permission for the flight. They will require (at least) 24hrs notice

• Date and time (local) and points of proposed departure and arrival. • Aircraft type and registration

• Name, address, date of birth for Pilot and all passengers • Contact phone number

Upon arrival at Newtownards complete arrival cards for all passengers and crew and deposit in the UFC general office. Write the aircraft registration on the back of the Pilot in Command's card.

Fill in the 'Record of Flights In and Out of NI' sheet in the lobby, indicate the number of passengers carried in the Remarks column. (e.g. +2)

Flight between a non-designated Airfield in the UK & Northern Ireland

Contact the UK airfield in advance and cheek what local procedure they have in force for obtaining permission. Some have a standard pro-forma that can he returned by FAX. Give as much notice as possible and have available the information on Pilot and Passengers as detailed above. Remember that that some airfields also require prior permission for all visiting aircraft.

Ulster Flying Club 
Almost down...
(Click on the photo to enlarge)

Contact Details

Portaferry Road


Co. Down

BT23 8SG

Tel: 028 9181 3327

E-mail: webmaster at ulsterflyingclub com

WWW: http://www.ulsterflyingclub.com/

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