Hexton Farms Airport in Maryland Maryland airports - Hexton Farms Airport
Hexton Farms Airport in Maryland - United States
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Hexton Farms Airport

Hexton Farms Airport picture

Location & QuickFacts

FAA Information Effective:2008-09-25
Airport Identifier:MD93
Airport Status:Operational
-75.906607/39.375112 (Estimated)
Elevation:65 ft / 19.81 m (Estimated)
Land:0 acres
From nearest city:3 nautical miles SW of Cecilton, MD
Location:Cecil County, MD
Magnetic Variation:11W (1985)

Owner & Manager

Ownership:Privately owned
Owner:Samuel F & Joanne J Dupont
Address:Hexton Farms Po Box 384
Georgeton, MD 21930
Phone number:410-275-2626
Manager:Samuel Dupont
Address:Hexton Farms Po Box 384
Georgetown, MD 21930
Phone number:410-275-2626

Airport Operations and Facilities

Airport Use:Private
Wind indicator:Yes
Segmented Circle:No
Control Tower:No
Landing fee charge:No
Sectional chart:Washington
Region:AEA - Eastern
Boundary ARTCC:ZDC - Washington
Tie-in FSS:DCA - Leesburg
FSS on Airport:No
FSS Toll Free:1-800-WX-BRIEF

Airport Services

Airframe Repair:NONE
Power Plant Repair:NONE

Runway Information

Runway 14/32

Dimension:3800 x 100 ft / 1158.2 x 30.5 m

Runway 14

Runway 32

Traffic Pattern:LeftLeft

Radio Navigation Aids

ID Type Name Ch Freq Var Dist
APG NDB Aberdeen 349.00 11W 13.4 nm
MTN NDB Martin 342.00 11W 22.5 nm
IUB NDB Institute 404.00 08W 33.8 nm
ESN NDB Easton 212.00 10W 35.1 nm
RNB NDB Rainbow 363.00 11W 35.9 nm
FND NDB Ellicott 371.00 11W 40.8 nm
BUH NDB Anne Arundel 260.00 10W 43.4 nm
MTN TACAN Martin 068X 11W 23.6 nm
DOV TACAN Dover 037X 09W 25.1 nm
PPM VOR/DME Phillips 021X 108.40 09W 13.5 nm
ATR VOR/DME Waterloo 073X 112.60 09W 47.0 nm
ENO VORTAC Smyrna 051X 111.40 09W 20.1 nm
DQO VORTAC Dupont 087X 114.00 10W 22.9 nm
OOD VORTAC Woodstown 075X 112.80 10W 32.1 nm
MXE VORTAC Modena 079X 113.20 09W 34.4 nm
BAL VORTAC Baltimore 098X 115.10 11W 37.2 nm
VCN VORTAC Cedar Lake 099X 115.20 10W 44.7 nm
LRP VORTAC Lancaster 120X 117.30 09W 48.2 nm
PHL VOT Philadelphia Intl 109.80 42.7 nm



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General Info
Country United States
Latitude 39-22-30.404N
Longitude 075-54-23.786W
Elevation 65 feet

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