Location & QuickFacts
FAA Information Effective: | 2008-09-25 |
Airport Identifier: | 02MO |
Airport Status: | Operational |
Longitude/Latitude: | 091-02-00.5090W/39-03-00.1670N -91.033475/39.050046 (Estimated) |
Elevation: | 650 ft / 198.12 m (Estimated) |
Land: | 115 acres |
From nearest city: | 5 nautical miles NW of Troy, MO |
Location: | Lincoln County, MO |
Magnetic Variation: | 02E (1985) |
Owner & Manager
Ownership: | Privately owned |
Owner: | Frank D. Baldwin |
Address: | Rte 3 Box 214 Troy, MO 63379 |
Phone number: | 573-528-4886 |
Manager: | Frank D. Baldwin |
Address: | Rte 3 Box 214 Troy, MO 63379 |
Phone number: | 573-528-4886 |
Airport Operations and Facilities
Airport Use: | Private |
Wind indicator: | Yes |
Segmented Circle: | No |
Control Tower: | No |
Landing fee charge: | No |
Sectional chart: | Kansas City |
Region: | ACE - Central |
Boundary ARTCC: | ZKC - Kansas City |
Tie-in FSS: | STL - Saint Louis |
FSS on Airport: | No |
FSS Toll Free: | 1-800-WX-BRIEF |
Runway Information
Runway 08/26
Dimension: | 2200 x 50 ft / 670.6 x 15.2 m |
Surface: | TURF, Good Condition |
Runway 08 |
Runway 26 |
Traffic Pattern: | Left | Left |
Obstruction: | 25 ft trees, 200.0 ft from runway | |
Radio Navigation Aids
ID |
Type |
Name |
Ch |
Freq |
Var |
Dist |
LM | NDB | Oblio | | 338.00 | 00E | 30.1 nm |
PPQ | NDB | Pittsfield | | 344.00 | 02E | 37.3 nm |
HAE | NDB | Hannibal | | 411.00 | 03E | 45.0 nm |
CVM | NDB | Civic Memorial | | 263.00 | 02E | 46.6 nm |
FTT | NDB | Guthrie | | 317.00 | 03E | 47.1 nm |
UUV | NDB | Sullivan | | 356.00 | 02E | 49.3 nm |
CSX | VOR/DME | Cardinal | 111Y | 116.45 | 00E | 36.2 nm |
FTZ | VORTAC | Foristell | 045X | 110.80 | 05E | 21.6 nm |
STL | VORTAC | St Louis | 121X | 117.40 | 01E | 28.2 nm |
UIN | VORTAC | Quincy | 083X | 113.60 | 05E | 49.3 nm |
SUS | VOT | Spirit Of St Louis | | 112.20 | | 29.4 nm |
STL | VOT | St Louis Lambert | | 111.00 | | 36.3 nm |
Images and information placed above are from
We thank them for the data!
General Info
Country |
United States
State |
Latitude |
Longitude |
Elevation |
650 feet
Near City |
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