St Johns College Helispot Heliport |
Location & QuickFacts
FAA Information Effective: | 2008-09-25 |
Airport Identifier: | NM81 |
Airport Status: | Operational |
Longitude/Latitude: | 105-54-44.0750W/35-40-09.1130N -105.912243/35.669198 (Estimated) |
Elevation: | 7220 ft / 2200.66 m (Estimated) |
Land: | 0 acres |
From nearest city: | 5 nautical miles SE of Santa Fe, NM |
Location: | Santa Fe County, NM |
Magnetic Variation: | 11E (1985) |
Owner & Manager
Ownership: | Privately owned |
Owner: | St Johns College |
Address: | Camino De Cruz Blanca Sante Fe, NM 87501 |
Phone number: | 505-984-6000 |
Manager: | Herbert F Kincey Jr |
Address: | St Johns College Santa Fe, NM 87501 CAMINO CRUZ BLANCA |
Phone number: | 505-982-8948 |
Airport Operations and Facilities
Airport Use: | Private MEDICAL. |
Wind indicator: | Yes |
Segmented Circle: | No |
Control Tower: | No |
Landing fee charge: | No |
Sectional chart: | Denver |
Region: | ASW - Southwest |
Boundary ARTCC: | ZAB - Albuquerque |
Tie-in FSS: | ABQ - Albuquerque |
FSS on Airport: | No |
FSS Toll Free: | 1-800-WX-BRIEF |
Airport Services
Airframe Repair: | NONE |
Power Plant Repair: | NONE |
Runway Information
Helipad H1
Dimension: | 300 x 150 ft / 91.4 x 45.7 m |
Surface: | TURF, |
Runway H1 |
Runway |
Traffic Pattern: | Left | Left |
Radio Navigation Aids
ID |
Type |
Name |
Ch |
Freq |
Var |
Dist |
SKX | NDB | Ski | | 414.00 | 11E | 48.8 nm |
OTO | VOR | Otto | | 114.00 | 13E | 35.9 nm |
SAF | VORTAC | Santa Fe | 043X | 110.60 | 13E | 10.7 nm |
FTI | VORTAC | Fort Union | 120X | 117.30 | 13E | 37.9 nm |
Images and information placed above are from
We thank them for the data!
General Info
Country |
United States
State |
Latitude |
Longitude |
Elevation |
7220 feet
Near City |
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