Blackwater Airstrip Airport in North Carolina North Carolina airports - Blackwater Airstrip Airport
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Blackwater Airstrip Airport

Blackwater Airstrip Airport picture

Location & QuickFacts

FAA Information Effective:2008-09-25
Airport Identifier:NC61
Airport Status:Operational
-76.210833/36.459444 (Estimated)
Elevation:12 ft / 3.66 m (Estimated)
Land:100 acres
From nearest city:6 nautical miles SW of Moyock, NC
Location:Camden County, NC
Magnetic Variation: ()

Owner & Manager

Ownership:Privately owned
Owner:E & J Holdings Llc
Address:850 Puddin Ridge Road
Moyock, NC 27958
Phone number:252-435-2488
Manager:Tony Vernon
Address:850 Puddin Ridge Road
Moyock, NC 27958
Phone number:919-854-1282

Airport Operations and Facilities

Airport Use:Private
Wind indicator:Yes
Segmented Circle:No
Control Tower:No
Sectional chart:Washington
Region:ASO - Southern
Boundary ARTCC:ZDC - Washington
Tie-in FSS:RDU - Raleigh
FSS Toll Free:1-800-WX-BRIEF

Runway Information

Runway 10/28

Dimension:2150 x 90 ft / 655.3 x 27.4 m

Runway 10

Runway 28

Traffic Pattern:LeftLeft
Obstruction:20 ft trees, 350.0 ft from runway

Radio Navigation Aids

ID Type Name Ch Freq Var Dist
EYNDBChesi233.0009W11.8 nm
LLWNDBWoodville254.0010W12.5 nm
PVGNDBPortsmouth241.0010W22.4 nm
RKNDBWaley249.0010W22.8 nm
EDENDBEdenton265.0010W31.3 nm
MQINDBManteo370.0009W41.2 nm
PJSNDBHenry375.0009W42.7 nm
FAFNDBFelker226.0008W45.3 nm
PMZNDBPlymouth221.0010W47.4 nm
ASJNDBAhoskie415.0010W47.7 nm
AKQNDBWakefield274.0009W49.4 nm
NTUTACANOceana113X 10W23.5 nm
NGUTACANChambers048X 10W29.1 nm
LFITACANLangley070X 10W38.3 nm
ECGVOR/DMEElizabeth City072X112.5007W12.3 nm
RBXVOR/DMEWright Brothers053X111.6008W40.9 nm
ORFVORTACNorfolk116X116.9007W26.0 nm
CVIVORTACCofield093X114.6009W32.4 nm
FKNVORTACFranklin043X110.6009W41.6 nm



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