Roxford Airport in Ohio Ohio airports - Roxford Airport
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Roxford Airport

Roxford Airport picture

Location & QuickFacts

FAA Information Effective:2008-09-25
Airport Identifier:OA14
Airport Status:Operational
-81.318056/40.422222 (Estimated)
Elevation:872 ft / 265.79 m (Estimated)
Land:10 acres
From nearest city:2 nautical miles NN of Dennison, OH
Location:Tuscarawas County, OH
Magnetic Variation: ()

Owner & Manager

Ownership:Privately owned
Owner:Mark J. Dusenberry
Address:716 East Third St.
Dover, OH 44622
Phone number:330-343-0864
Manager:Mark J. Dusenberry
Address:716 East Third St.
Dover, OH 44622
Phone number:330-343-0864

Airport Operations and Facilities

Airport Use:Private
Wind indicator:Yes
Control Tower:No
Sectional chart:Detroit
Region:AGL - Great Lakes
Boundary ARTCC:ZOB - Cleveland
Tie-in FSS:CLE - Cleveland
FSS Toll Free:1-800-WX-BRIEF

Runway Information

Runway 17/35

Dimension:2300 x 70 ft / 701.0 x 21.3 m

Runway 17

Runway 35

Traffic Pattern:LeftLeft
Obstruction:40 ft pline, 1000.0 ft from runway400 ft hill, 2500.0 ft from runway

Radio Navigation Aids

ID Type Name Ch Freq Var Dist
TSONDBTolson395.0007W13.9 nm
CFXNDBCadiz239.0007W17.9 nm
MLRNDBMillersburg/dcmsnd382.0006W26.4 nm
AKNDBAkron362.0007W39.1 nm
HRANDBZanesville204.0006W41.5 nm
CTWVOR/DMENewcomerstown055X111.8007W13.7 nm
BSVVOR/DMEBriggs071X112.4004W19.8 nm
AIRVOR/DMEBellaire118X117.1007W33.5 nm
HLGVOR/DMEWheeling059X112.2007W35.7 nm
TVTVOR/DMETiverton112X116.5003W37.1 nm
ZZVVOR/DMEZanesville051X111.4006W39.2 nm
ACOVOR/DMEAkron091X114.4004W41.6 nm
CAKVOTAkron/canton Regional110.6030.2 nm



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