Motola's Helicopter Service Inc. Heliport in Pennsylvania Pennsylvania airports - Motola's Helicopter Service Inc. Heliport
Motola's Helicopter Service Inc. Heliport in Pennsylvania - United States
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Motola's Helicopter Service Inc. Heliport

Motola's Helicopter Service Inc. Heliport picture

Location & QuickFacts

FAA Information Effective:2008-09-25
Airport Identifier:1PA8
Airport Status:Operational
-75.765500/40.814167 (Estimated)
Elevation:534 ft / 162.76 m (Estimated)
Land:11 acres
From nearest city:5 nautical miles W of Lehighton, PA
Location:Carbon County, PA
Magnetic Variation: ()

Owner & Manager

Ownership:Privately owned
Owner:John Motola
Address:Rt 902
Lehighton, PA 18235
Phone number:610-377-1672
Manager:John Motola
Address:252 Fairyland Rd
Lehighton, PA 18235-9022
Phone number:484-894-1672

Airport Operations and Facilities

Airport Use:Private
Wind indicator:Yes
Segmented Circle:No
Control Tower:No
Region:AEA - Eastern
Boundary ARTCC:ZNY - New York
Tie-in FSS:IPT - Williamsport
FSS Toll Free:1-800-WX-BRIEF

Runway Information

Helipad H1

Dimension:40 x 40 ft / 12.2 x 12.2 m

Runway H1


Traffic Pattern:LeftLeft

Radio Navigation Aids

ID Type Name Ch Freq Var Dist
LQXNDBCarbon339.0012W0.3 nm
HXMNDBHumbolt366.0010W14.8 nm
CYENDBCrystal Lake410.0011W24.0 nm
UKTNDBQuakertown208.0012W31.7 nm
DYLNDBDoylestown237.0010W41.1 nm
BZJNDBBellgrove328.0010W42.5 nm
INGNDBAmbler275.0011W46.8 nm
NXXNDBWillow Grove388.0012W47.1 nm
NXXTACANWillow Grove061X 10W46.8 nm
HZLVORHazleton109.4009W19.0 nm
ETXVOR/DMEEast Texas039X110.2009W14.5 nm
CKZVOR/DMEPennridge025Y108.8512W33.5 nm
STWVOR/DMEStillwater033X109.6011W42.2 nm
BWZVOR/DMEBroadway089X114.2011W42.9 nm
SBJVOR/DMESolberg076X112.9010W48.7 nm
FJCVORTACAllentown122X117.5010W15.1 nm
LVZVORTACWilkes-barre053X111.6010W27.8 nm
PTWVORTACPottstown112X116.5009W36.8 nm
RAVVORTACRavine093X114.6011W41.1 nm
LHYVORTACLake Henry045X110.8010W41.8 nm
MIPVORTACMilton029X109.2009W42.8 nm
LRPVORTACLancaster120X117.3009W48.2 nm



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