Sanders Personal Use Airport in Pennsylvania Pennsylvania airports - Sanders Personal Use Airport
Sanders Personal Use Airport in Pennsylvania - United States
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Sanders Personal Use Airport

Sanders Personal Use Airport picture

Location & QuickFacts

FAA Information Effective:2008-09-25
Airport Identifier:70PN
Airport Status:Operational
-79.301111/41.989167 (Estimated)
Elevation:1455 ft / 443.48 m (Estimated)
Land:0 acres
From nearest city:2 nautical miles E of Sugar Grove, PA
Location:Warren County, PA
Magnetic Variation:09W (1985)

Owner & Manager

Ownership:Privately owned
Owner:John H. Sanders
Address:Rd 3
Sugar Grove, PA 16350
Phone number:814-489-3659
Manager:John H. Sanders
Address:Rd 3
Sugar Grove, PA 16350
Phone number:814-489-3659

Airport Operations and Facilities

Airport Use:Private
Wind indicator:Yes
Segmented Circle:No
Control Tower:No
Landing fee charge:No
Sectional chart:Detroit
Region:AEA - Eastern
Boundary ARTCC:ZOB - Cleveland
Tie-in FSS:AOO - Altoona
FSS on Airport:No
FSS Toll Free:1-800-WX-BRIEF

Runway Information

Runway 08/26

Dimension:2000 x 120 ft / 609.6 x 36.6 m

Runway 08

Runway 26

Traffic Pattern:LeftLeft

Radio Navigation Aids

ID Type Name Ch Freq Var Dist
ORJNDBCorry258.0009W16.2 nm
CQDNDBCascade372.0008W36.7 nm
LYSNDBOlean360.0009W46.6 nm
FKLVORFranklin109.6006W41.4 nm
JHWVOR/DMEJamestown094X114.7007W14.4 nm
BFDVOR/DMEBradford113X116.6007W32.9 nm
TDTVORTACTidioute123X117.6009W17.4 nm
DKKVORTACDunkirk109X116.2007W30.2 nm
ERIVORTACErie031X109.4006W44.3 nm

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General Info
Country United States
Latitude 41-59-00.206N
Longitude 079-17-59.181W
Elevation 1460 feet

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