Del Rio Intl Airport in Texas Texas airports - Del Rio Intl Airport
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Del Rio Intl Airport

Del Rio International Airport
Airport type Public
Operator City of Del Rio
Location Del Rio, Texas
Elevation AMSL 999 ft / 304 m
Coordinates 29°22′22.20″N 100°55′33.05″W / 29.372833°N 100.9258472°W / 29.372833; -100.9258472Coordinates: 29°22′22.20″N 100°55′33.05″W / 29.372833°N 100.9258472°W / 29.372833; -100.9258472
Direction Length Surface
ft m
13/31 6,300 2,000 Asphalt

Del Rio International Airport (IATA: DRT, ICAO: KDRT) is a public airport located just west of Del Rio, Texas. The airport has a single 6300' runway. The airport is owned by the City of Del Rio with a seven member airport advisory board, appointed by the City Council, monitors the development and operations of the airport. The airport is classified by the FAA as a commercial primary, non-hub airport. Currently the airport terminal is undergoing a 2.7 million dollar expansion to be ready by the fall of 2010, Once completed, The terminal will double in size and will have space for a second commercial airline. Construction is also in progress on the 6,000 sf. Texas Dept. Of Public Safety (DPS) Air Patrol station. Other upcoming airport projects includes an airport control tower, and the expansion of the Federal Express (FedEx) Cargo facility.

DRT is mostly used for general aviation but is also served by Continental airlines (Soon to become United Airlines). Due to its proximity to Laughlin AFB it is often used by USAF pilot training students. The Airport serves the Middle Rio Grande region.

Airlines and destinations

Airlines Destinations
Continental Connection operated by Colgan Air Houston-Intercontinental


The airport opened in November 1937 as Val Verde County Airport. On 26 September 1942, during World War II, the airport was taken over by the United States Army Air Forces and used as a contract primary pilot training airfield under the AAF Gulf Coast Training Center (later Central Flying Training Command). Flying training was performed with Fairchild PT-19s as the primary trainer. Also had several PT-17 Stearmans and a few P-40 Warhawks assigned.

Inactivated 11 January 1946 and airport returned to civil control.

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Del Rio Intl Airport picture

Location & QuickFacts

FAA Information Effective:2008-09-25
Airport Identifier:DRT
Airport Status:Operational
-100.927157/29.374207 (Estimated)
Elevation:1002 ft / 305.41 m (Estimated)
Land:268 acres
From nearest city:2 nautical miles NW of Del Rio, TX
Location:Val Verde County, TX
Magnetic Variation:08E (2000)

Owner & Manager

Ownership:Publicly owned
Owner:Del Rio/val Verde Cty
Address:109 W Braodway Street
Del Rio, TX 78840
Phone number:830-774-8558
EXT 231.
Manager:Joel C. Martinez
Address:1104 West 10th Street
Del Rio, TX 78841
Phone number:830-774-8538

Airport Operations and Facilities

Airport Use:Open to public
Wind indicator:Yes
Segmented Circle:Yes
Control Tower:No
Lighting Schedule:DUSK-DAWN
Beacon Color:Clear-Green (lighted land airport)
Landing fee charge:No
Sectional chart:San Antonio
Region:ASW - Southwest
Boundary ARTCC:ZHU - Houston
Tie-in FSS:SJT - San Angelo
FSS on Airport:No
FSS Toll Free:1-800-WX-BRIEF
NOTAMs Facility:DRT (NOTAM-d service avaliable)
Certification type/date:I A S 02/2005
Federal Agreements:NGY3

Airport Communications


Airport Services

Fuel available:100LLA
Airframe Repair:MAJOR
Power Plant Repair:MAJOR

Runway Information

Runway 13/31

Dimension:6300 x 100 ft / 1920.2 x 30.5 m
Weight Limit:Single wheel: 35000 lbs.
Edge Lights:Medium

Runway 13

Runway 31

Elevation:1002.00 ft995.00 ft
Traffic Pattern:RightLeft
Markings:Precision instrument, Good ConditionNon-precision instrument, Good Condition
Crossing Height:45.00 ft45.00 ft
Displaced threshold:300.00 ft0.00 ft
VASI:4-light PAPI on left side4-light PAPI on left side
Visual Glide Angle:3.00°3.00°
Approach lights:MALSR
Runway End Identifier:Yes
Obstruction:16 ft tree, 900.0 ft from runway, 310 ft right of centerline, 44:1 slope to clear
50 ft tree, 1200.0 ft from runway, 85 ft left of centerline, 20:1 slope to clear
Decleard distances:Take off run available 6300.00 ft
Take off distance available 6300.00 ft
Actual stop distance available 6300.00 ft
Landing distance available 6000.00 ft
Take off run available 6300.00 ft
Take off distance available 6300.00 ft
Actual stop distance available 6000.00 ft
Landing distance available 6000.00 ft

Radio Navigation Aids

ID Type Name Ch Freq Var Dist
BRXNDBLa Fonda Ranch269.0009E18.8 nm
PFONDBSpofford356.0008E29.6 nm
DLFVORTACLaughlin091X114.4007E8.2 nm

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General Info
Country United States
Latitude 29-22-22.200N
Longitude 100-55-33.050W
Elevation 999 feet
Near City DEL RIO

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