Elgin Intracontinental Airport in Texas Texas airports - Elgin Intracontinental Airport
Elgin Intracontinental Airport in Texas - United States
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Elgin Intracontinental Airport

Elgin Intracontinental Airport picture

Location & QuickFacts

FAA Information Effective:2008-09-25
Airport Identifier:56TS
Airport Status:Operational
-97.350273/30.337709 (Estimated)
Elevation:558 ft / 170.08 m (Estimated)
Land:20 acres
From nearest city:2 nautical miles E of Elgin, TX
Location:Bastrop County, TX
Magnetic Variation:07E (1985)

Owner & Manager

Ownership:Privately owned
Owner:William E. Sowell
Address:Rt 5 Box 25
Elgin, TX 78621
Phone number:512-285-4091
Manager:William E. Sowell
Address:Rt 5 Box 25
Elgin, TX 78621
Phone number:512-281-4091

Airport Operations and Facilities

Airport Use:Private
Wind indicator:Yes
Segmented Circle:No
Control Tower:No
Sectional chart:San Antonio
Region:ASW - Southwest
Boundary ARTCC:ZHU - Houston
Tie-in FSS:SJT - San Angelo
FSS Toll Free:1-800-WX-BRIEF

Runway Information

Runway 02/20

Dimension:650 x 25 ft / 198.1 x 7.6 m

Runway 02

Runway 20

Traffic Pattern:RightRight
Obstruction:5 ft fence5 ft fence

Runway 11/29

Dimension:1050 x 40 ft / 320.0 x 12.2 m

Runway 11

Runway 29

Traffic Pattern:LeftLeft
Obstruction:35 ft trees

Runway 17/35

Dimension:850 x 40 ft / 259.1 x 12.2 m

Runway 17

Runway 35

Traffic Pattern:RightRight
Obstruction:50 ft trees

Helipad H1

Dimension:75 x 50 ft / 22.9 x 15.2 m

Runway H1


Traffic Pattern:LeftLeft

Helipad H2

Dimension:75 x 50 ft / 22.9 x 15.2 m

Runway H2


Traffic Pattern:LeftLeft

Radio Navigation Aids

ID Type Name Ch Freq Var Dist
GYBNDBLee County385.0007E21.8 nm
GUONDBGeorgetown332.0006E26.9 nm
ILNDBIresh278.0007E45.2 nm
GRKVOR/DMEGray055X111.8007E48.2 nm
CWKVORTACCentex075X112.8006E9.6 nm
IDUVORTACIndustry039X110.2008E46.9 nm

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General Info
Country United States
Latitude 30-20-15.752N
Longitude 097-21-00.981W
Elevation 558 feet
Near City ELGIN

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